Last Newsletter of 2010


Are you signed up for the Chickens in the Road newsletter? The December edition is coming soon! To sign up and see sample newsletters, go here!


  1. Ramona says:

    Looking forward to seeing it!

  2. Karo says:

    I love the way Nutmeg and Clover always seem to be stretching their necks as far as they can to reach you.

  3. Mother of a ROCKSTAR says:

    Will the last newletter of 2010 have Clover telling us of news for 2011? Will her barn predictions having me consulting my farmers alamac? Will she tell me of new arrivials maybe even New Years babies in the barn….come on Clover….I am counting on you and Suzanne. My prediction for you Clover is I see cookies in your future (I hope it comes true). Thank you Suzanne and everyone for a great 2010… I love CITR it’s actually my homepage for my desk, lap, and phone. Special thank you to Clover.

  4. Leah says:

    I didnt get mine last month. I should still be on the list for a newsletter. Thanks

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