Lost with Roos


I believe we have a lil hen amongst the meaties! (That’s a KEEPER! Bonus–she’s feather-legged! You want a batch of interesting chickens? Buy a random batch of meaties!)


  1. jan n tn says:

    Poor baby girl, stuck in there with all that testosterone. She’s a pretty little meatie.

  2. Granny Trace says:

    so cute. I will have to try a batch of mixed meaties. How long do they take to grow out. I always buy the jumbo cornish rocks.
    It only takes 8 weeks for them.
    Granny Trace


  3. Flowerpower says:

    In times past I had the black and white chickens with the rose comb. Silver lace Wyandottes. Pretty breed but I never could kill and eat the roosters.Yeah, I’m a wuss! The extra roosters did have to be slaughtered but I couldnt do it and I certainly didn’t want to eat em! Good thing everybody isn’t like me! We would be vegetarians.

  4. Imperious Fig says:

    We had a hen mixed in with our heavy breed roosters (meat birds) too. We think it is a New Jersey Giant from the coloring and markings. Last year there were 3 hens mixed in…bonus for us…3 new egg layers!

  5. chickenherd says:

    Aww, what a nice surprise! I totally sympathize with her…I have four brothers. 😀

  6. Chicken Crossing says:

    Love the chickens! We got a random batch this year too only we didn’t get just meaties, we got “whatever” I got some layers, some meaties, some feather footed and even one with green legs (I wonder if she’ll lay green eggs?)

  7. Liz Pike says:

    Granny Trace, we tried the the cornish crosses to finish for slaughter too, until we realized they just could not take the heat/humidity in eastern NC. Now up in the mtns in Hillsville, VA, it was a different story & they did just fine!

    I liked their “mutant” tendencies, Suzanne, but I understand exactly what you mean! They aren’t near as agile as other chickens, more like the body builders of the chicken yard! But they are great in chicken tractors if not raised in the heat of summer, and finish off fast. For personal use though I always grew out Australorps & Jersey Giants that took 12+ weeks. I think the slower growing develops a better flavor.

  8. denisestone says:

    How can you tell it is a girl when both hens and roos get combs and waddles????

    Explain please.

  9. Deb W says:

    Since the leg feathers are only forming on the outside of the legs, it looks like you might have a buff Brahma. I hope it’s a hen, but that upright stance looks kind off roo-like. You won’t know unless it crows……or lays an egg!

  10. Therese says:

    I keep Buff Brahmas, and they have dark markings even as chicks. So maybe this a Buff Cochin? I’ve kept them before, but don’t have any photos to compare it to. Nice surprise if it is a pullet, though!

  11. Granny Trace says:

    Thanks Suzanne & Liz for your info.
    I like the cornish rocks but will try the other meaties. This is our fifth time.
    Granny Trace

  12. Julia says:

    She is a cutie all right. Maybe you could keep both the feathery-legged birds and more feather-legs

  13. holstein woman says:

    I love the feather legged Brahamas, they lay BIG eggs and are very pretty/ I have 25 in the brooder.
    We got a hen in some barred rocks last year and she is a great layer. She is actually almost black so she can be identified from the rest.

  14. eamoret says:

    Looks like a Cochin. I had a couple last year. They mature A LOT slower than other chickens. It COULD still be a rooster. My other birds had already started laying eggs, and the cochins didn’t even have combs yet! Only time will tell! 🙂

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