Mildly Gratuitous Baby Photos


This baby just kills me. I think he is so gorgeous.

Why couldn’t this one be a girl? Do they do sex change operations for goats? He’s too pretty to be a boy.

Everyone’s doing well, by the way.


Do you think she might be hiding a couple more in there somewhere??


  1. Julia K says:

    He is beautiful. I love all your goat pics.

  2. whaledancer says:

    Ah, but their good looks should make it easier to find homes for them.

    Do you think Ms Rotunda could do with some goat pilates? Just to work her core a little until she gets back her girlish figure.

  3. Miss Judy says:

    I have an occupational therapist I could recommend for her…”Pull that belly button all the way back to the spine! Sit up straight and tall…hold it…hold it.Now march with those legs…watch your balance on that ball…steady now…keep the belly pulled in!Those core muscles need to improve!” I am sure “Ms. Rotunda” could say “Bleeh!” just as well as I can.The kids would be very proud of her.
    BTW the kids are beautiful!

  4. Granny Trace says:

    I too think all your goats are beautiful. But he sure is pretty.
    And i think she is hiding one more in there too. Or a watermelon.
    Granny Trace

  5. Anita says:

    That’s AMAZING! Her belly was so much smaller, just the other day!! What the heck??

    And I could just eat that little black one up with a spoon. Well, figuratively. I can’t bring myself to actually EAT goat. I love yours too much to do so, even when it’s curried. lol

  6. DancesInGarden says:

    Oh, the frosted ears. The speckled snouts. The danglies…..The forehead blaze! They are both adorable, but I agree the brown one is extra lovely. And how can he not be? Tt looks like he has the silhouette of a chicken on his side!

  7. Liz Pike says:

    At least she can use the excuse she just had 2 babies. I tried using that “new baby” excuse too. It started getting old after 18 years though. 😕

    Both babies are adorable!

  8. smreynold says:

    Oh, I love your pictures and FB postings! And yes, he is sooooo pretty! They are adorable…but of all of your animals, none of them can hold a light to Glory Bee!!! Glory Bee is absolutely BEAUTIFUL with such a sweet face!

  9. Flowerpower says:

    Sweet little goats. I usually gravitate to black animals but the little blonde one is beautiful!
    Poor mama Rotunda…she is just one shape. ROUND! You can never tell what she might be hiding there! :happyflower:

  10. Ms.Becky says:

    he is ADORABLE. too bad they don’t stay that small, huh?

  11. MonkeyPhil says:

    Seeing the pictures of them with Mom they look so tiny. Rotunda is apparently holding water. That is the excuse I use. Besides, ROUND is a shape. Love all the babies. Wish I could adopt everyone.

  12. leneskate says:

    Beautiful kids! She needs to lose the baby weight thats all.

  13. joykenn says:

    I love his little white Mohawk! And the white vest he’s wearing. Such a beautiful boy….but don’t weaken, Suzanne. I know it is tempting to want to keep them all especially when they are cute little kids. Think of him off with a harem busily fathering other beautiful babies. He’ll be happy as a clam (though why a clam would be happy, I don’t know).

  14. twiggityNDgoats says:

    Very cute kids. The little brown one is extra adorable. I’ve had a few that I “willed” to be girls as they were coming out but turned out to be boys.

  15. judyktw says:

    SO CUTE! Keep us posted on their growing up!!

  16. Cousin Sheryl says:

    Since you had Sailor and Pirate registered, I think you ought to continue your bucklings with the nautical theme: Captain, Commodore, FirstMate, Ensign, Navigator, etc. Just a thought on names…they are awefully cute!

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