Milking at Home


I am SO glad to be milking at home again now that Beulah Petunia is back from her date. Glory Bee and the chickens are glad to have her back, too.

They never miss a milking!


  1. Barbee says:

    It seems everything and everyone are back to normal. Cute photo of GB.

  2. Granny Trace says:

    Hugs Granny Trace

  3. TinaBell says:

    I’m glad for Beulah Petunia’s safe return. I’ll bet she was glad to get home!

  4. Flowerpower says:

    I am glad BP is back home and I bet she feels the same! I see Glory bee watching mama get milked. I know she is glad! I figured the cow would wean the calf herself but then I am not a farmer with cows so I have no idea. Welcome home Beulah Petunia! :happyflower:

  5. TwistedStitcher says:

    I’m just curious, not being a farmer, do cows always go into labor on their own? Do you ever induce labor on a cow?

  6. Miss Judy says:

    I think GB is saying “Hey, save some for me!”

  7. Ms.Becky says:

    you have a great life. hard work, but a great life. I love the look on Glory Bee’s face. she’s a cutie. doesn’t she have a birthday coming up pretty soon? :bugeyed:

  8. holstein woman says:

    I suppose any day GB could close enough to nurse momma would be like a birthday now. I know if my calves could they would think it is their’s. Your cows are so pretty.

  9. Window On The Prairie says:

    Never had chickens, but I’m beginning to think they are like cats with a “what’s in it for me” attitude. I can say this because I have a cat I dearly love. :sun:

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