Morning, with and without Hills


Mornings are eerie at this time of year when the fog makes the hills disappear and reappear like Brigadoon.


  1. Cassie says:

    I love the pictures. Beautiful!

  2. cabynfevr says:

    It’s been foggier here than I can remember! And humid, and too warm and rainy….I’m hoping for a freeze too!. Not that I’m thrilled about having to heat the house but I would prefer that to running the air. Air on in late Sept. in CT?? BAH!

  3. jimnoland says:

    Love the pictures. I like walking in the mountains here in Colorado, when it is foggy. It is about time to start getting ready for that white stuff that is called snow.

  4. mamawolf says:

    Every once in a while we wake to fog and there is no sign of the mountains – it takes a lot to “lose” Pikes Peak. Everything is quiet, the sounds of I-25 are muted and it is heavenly. I’m with Jim – getting ready for snow (hope we get some this year)

  5. Flowerpower says:

    So pretty! Are your leaves changing colors?

  6. mammaleigh says:

    I would take it with or with out!! So pretty, I can barely see the start of the mountains here.

  7. Runningtrails says:

    Nice pictures! I love that movie!

  8. rainn says:

    :happyflower: So missing those beautiful West Virginia mountains!!! :wave:
    Dreaming of next retreat!! :snoopy:

  9. holstein woman says:

    Love the photos, our mountains remind me of Virginia. Temp this morning was 43, burr.

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