New Milk Maid


Morgan’s friend Jennie moved in with us temporarily as of yesterday. Jennie’s house burned down this past weekend. This is the second time in her young life that Jennie has lost everything in a fire. Jennie is staying with us while her parents get situated some place comfortable with room for the whole family. Unfortunately, they want her back, because I’d be happy to keep Jennie forever! She wants to learn how to milk! I’m going to teach her to make butter and cheese!

Jennie: “Morgan, we’re going to milk! I love cows!”

Morgan: “I hate cows.”



  1. GA_in_GA says:

    Jennie sounds like a keeper to me! Start the adoption process quickly!


  2. Julia says:

    Please tell Jennie and her family how sorry I am about the fire. I hope no one was hurt.

  3. hazfam83 says:

    Lots of people like the _idea_ of milking cows because it does sound like fun.
    or twice…
    It’s the relentless twice a day commitment to a schedule that you can’t decide to just ignore that wears some people down.
    Bravo for your commitment to all your animals.

  4. California Paintbrush says:

    Yu know, that switching thing seems to happen a lot. :sheepjump:

  5. holstein woman says:

    I can’t imagine the terror of a fire. Bless the family Lord. Jennie sounds like a keeper.Maybe you can keep her for a longer-term.

  6. Yankee in NC says:

    Jenny is lucky to have such a friend in Morgan. Losing everything in a fire so young is a tough life lesson.

  7. denisestone says:

    Look at those long locks of wavy hair… of course she was switched at birth!

  8. nursemary says:

    Best wishes to Jennie and her family. What a horrible thing to go through at such a young and , and twice! So kind of you to open your door, your heart, and your barn to her.

  9. CindyP says:

    So sorry for their loss, especially twice!

    Hopefully their someplace comfortable is nearby 😉

  10. EMarie says:

    I’m so sorry for their loss, but there is an upside for you; a temporary daughter. What fun! :cowsleep:

  11. MMHoney says:

    Dear Kindred Spirits,
    One of my earlist Dreams was when I got booques of money i would build a hugh house, back of a lake, and take in all of the children – that noone wanted. This insident has stayed with me – My Uncle kept foster children until placement could be completed. One dat I went to his house and a little freckled-face, red headed boy came up to me and said “I the boy that noone wants.”
    All they want is security and love…. You can’t outgive the Lord.
    Let me be a blessing to someone today. No I never got rich but have enjoyed giving a helping hand.

  12. bonita says:

    My prayers for Jennie and her family, fire is so scary. Glad you and Morgan can help her and her family. Your karma account swells while you get a milk maid!

  13. DeniseS says:

    What a blessing to be able to lend a hand while Jennie and her family recover from the house fire. The kindness came back to you with help for the milking. Will pray for her family that they find a new place soon.

  14. lavenderblue says:

    Aww Jennie, so sorry to hear about the fire. Will pray for your family.

  15. Dghawk says:

    I am so sorry to hear Jennie and her family lost their home. I know first hand what that feels like. But TWICE! I don’t think I could handle that. I know you will take good care of her. She is in excellent hands.

  16. Joell says:

    How nice for for Jennie that she is stying with you, she will learn a lot of things that will stay with her through out her life.

  17. jodiezoeller says:

    Prayers for Jennie and her family for their ordeal! I’m happy that you’re able to help her by giving her a place to live for now. Maybe you can hire her to come live with you and be a milk maid. 😀

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