Oh No She Didn’t!


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Plant Poke Pretty: “But you let Clover do it!”


  1. monica says:

    Porno dolls on the porch! :shocked: :shocked: :bugeyed: :bugeyed: :shocked: :shocked:

  2. stacy says:

    Maybe they will make little plant pokes!

  3. blueberrylu says:

    You need better control of your dolls down there at Stringtown Rising. Between this saucy little gal and the drunken corn husk doll……………..what is the world cominng to. 😆 😆

  4. CindyP says:

    😮 😆 😮 😆 😮 😆

    Well that’s an easier way to have more plant pokes!! 😆

  5. Rhonda says:

    Yep, I can see this happening if I had the plant pokes too……boys-gotta love ’em.

  6. Michele says:

    Those are really cute, I have never seen them before for plants, very nice, maybe you should keep them apart if they can’t behave! 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆

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