Recalcitrant Devil


Yes, she was OUT again. But she wasn’t hard to capture. She came running right to me and my fantastical bucket. We think we’ve got it fixed now.

If not, she’ll let us know!


  1. Nancy in Iowa says:

    At least she’s learned about the bucket!!! :sheepjump: :sheep:

  2. Julie B says:

    Goodness! She has a mind of her own, or was Paris was calling again! 🙂

  3. Rose H says:

    No, no, she’s teaching her little lambs – “Don’t do as I do, do as I say!” :sheepjump: :devil2:

  4. Norma Jean says:

    fix that fence, git er done. Sheep in the road, nope just doesn’t have the same ring to it as Chickens in the Road.
    :sheep: vs :chicken:

  5. CindyP says:

    She still looks quite round! She’s just wanting some road exercise, trying to get back down to pre-pregnancy weight!

  6. m says:

    She’s figured out how to get an extra treat …. or feeding. Less competition too

  7. Wildcat says:

    Ah, the Bucket of Bliss works every time. :shimmy:

  8. ScarlettSeraph says:

    I really think that the potential for animal escape would make me very nervous, though I guess its like other things… something you get more used to as a part of a farming lifestyle. One day I’ll find out for myself :sun:

  9. BuckeyeGirl says:

    Well, at least she comes to you now, and she’s teaching her babies to comet to you as well, which is good too… or course, she’s also teaching them that getting out of the fence is fun. Hmmmm, well life is always a balancing act! Jester and her two clowns are just doing their share to make life interesting. Harlequin and Domino?

  10. QuietStorm says:

    oooooohhhhh!!!! LOVE the Harlequin & Domino suggestion…


  11. Barbee' says:

    Ah, Buckeye Girl! I think you nailed that one right on the head. Wish I had thought of that. Those babies are going to be so confused.

  12. NorthCountryGirl says:

    You ought to hire her out of fencers to test their fences! She would find any flaws in their fences. She could have her own career and support her babies! Just think!

  13. azladychef says:

    Well, if you ever figure out how to keep her in let me know! I have a Russian tortoise who is hellbent on escaping her lovely garden home, and scales the fence surrounding it every chance she gets. A blue bucket filled with treats wouldn’t work on her either….she is always out looking for love. The heartbreak for her is that our male desert tortoise isn’t interested in her at all, and when she finally finds him, he just ignores her.

  14. Marymac says:

    Is it normal for her to have all those horns????

  15. mrnglry says:

    Do you think she has put 2 and 2 together? Breakout=Bucket Treats!

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