Sailor Girl


She doesn’t want to join the Navy. She just wants the hat.


  1. Blessings says:

    Morgan Is So darn Cute!

  2. julyorchid says:

    And she wears it so well! 😀

  3. Karen Templeton says:

    And I can see why. Adorable. :woof:

  4. Nancy in Iowa says:

    Of course, she looks fantastic in the hat!!! :fairy: :heart:

  5. CindyP says:

    She’s definitely a hat girl and can pull that off!

  6. Barbee' says:

    Morgan is a fun kid! You are so lucky.

  7. Carol Langille says:

    I can see her in a full Navy uniform in a few years… can bet she will do something to make us all proud of her, too.

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