Some Things Just Shouldn’t Be Attempted


Photo by Jerry Waters.

And that’s all I’m sayin’ about that!

P.S. I just got revisions back on my book. That’s the way it is with books–you’re always thinking you’re done, but you’re NOT. I’ll try to not be too scarce, but bear with me. I want to have my revised (supposedly finished?!) book back in before Thanksgiving and the holidays start up, so I’m going to be working hard on it the next couple of weeks (plus I have a workshop coming up here).


  1. djbrown says:

    Ohhhhh, 😉 Hope today is a productive one! Deb

  2. Barbee says:

    Dig in, we know you have lots to do. You can tell us about it when it’s all over. Happy for the folks getting to go to your workshop. We want a job well done when we buy your book. Go, girl, go. :happyflower:

  3. bonita says:

    Ah yes, revisions on final mss! Yes, let’s cross our fingers that revisions do not spill into the holidays!

  4. Leah says:

    Hmmm, you’ve already got me thinking about what I can buy myself for C’mas!!!

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