Strike a Pose


I looked down from the porch to the goat yard yesterday morning and the goats and Poky were all standing very still, about the same distance apart from each other. They looked like they were playing the statue game! (All except Fanta–she was busy munching hay.)


  1. Ulrike says:

    THEY’RE DOTTING!!! :bugeyed:

    (Don’t tell the sheep.)

  2. CindyP says:

    I thought about the sheep dotting, too! Maybe you SHOULD tell the sheep, they won’t want the goats and donkey to outdo them…maybe they’ll get on the ball and start dotting!

  3. Angela P says:

    :chicken: I like the Main Street path, like our pasture, they dont seem to stray off of it! 😆
    Suzanne, we need some goat figures to add to the collection of the above…please????? :yes:

  4. kerri says:

    They’re contemplating. Will she bring cookies this morning? I wonder…. :eating:

  5. Debbie in PA says:

    Dotting…that’s the first thing I thought too! See how powerful your words are Suzanne? When you did that post a lobg time ago about sheep dotting the hillside (pasture?) that phrase stuck with me!

  6. Jennifer says:

    I have a little goat gif(same size as yout little sheep) but it doesn’t want me to paste it here…..maybe I can email it to you. 🙂

  7. Nancy in Iowa says:

    I love all the goat tracks!

    Dotting goats for a doting Suzanne!

  8. Barbee' says:

    That’s a good thought, dotting. I just thought they looked bored with winter.

  9. Mittened Paw says:

    Yep – dotting. That’s exactly what I thought too! Either that or deeply lost in concentration, thinking about cookies.

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