Summer Sunflowers


If I could pick a favorite flower, it would probably be sunflowers.

But I can’t pick…..


  1. CindyP says:

    I wish I had a place to grow sunflowers….they are so beautiful, towering, giving us a sunny smile every time you look at them :happyflower:

  2. shirley says:

    I love Sunflowers. They are my favorite flower, besides Daisies. :purpleflower:

  3. Beth says:

    “I don’t think there’s anything on this planet that more trumpets life that the sunflower. For me that’s because of the reason behind its name. Not because it looks like the sun but because it follows the sun. During the course of the day, the head tracks the journey of the sun across the sky. A satellite dish for sunshine. Wherever light is, no matter how weak, these flowers will find it. And that’s such an admirable thing. And such a lesson in life.”

    Quote from the movie “Calender Girls” 2003.

    Sunflowers are my favorite. My goal is to have a whole field full of them someday.

  4. m says:

    I grow them in the front yard (in the city , in the suburbs where all the other houses have green lawns up to the shrubs around the foundation :snoopy: … zinnias planted in front of them, daylillies, coneflowers, blackeyed Susans and butterfly bushes…I often use them to disguise the tomato cages in the front yard 😆 😆 (older development .. none of those restictive convenent thingies :snoopy: ). The retired Ag Extension agent lives up the street, when he walks by with the dog he just grins. I think he grows his veg in his backyard (and a country garden a few miles away).

  5. Helen says:

    I went to the store the other day and on a whim decided to take a very long way home. There along the road was an entire field of sunflowers…a good 10 or 12 acres of them. What a beautiful sight, and boy, am I glad I decided to go the long way.

  6. B. Ruth says:

    Purty, purty, purty….

    Don’t you know that Cardinal just loves to say “purty” when he sees those pretty sunflowers…and the goldfinches will flit around just waiting for them to dry enough to steal the seed before you do….
    I had one come up volunteer by one of our feeders this year. I just left it growing up beside the pole. It had smaller blooms, but had over 28 blooms on it at one time….and it is still blooming and very tall too…the birds can’t decide which is dinner or which is dessert….
    PS…Purty, purty, purty….

  7. gwen says:

    My neighbour has sunflowers, but they are nog doing to well, although we have a lot of leaves……………no flowers
    I love their colour, gives an immediate summer feeling


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