Upcoming Fun


This is the new banner on the Chickens in the Road Facebook page.
This banner reflects the final (FINAL!) cover for my book.
I know that this is actually the final cover because my book went to press last week!

Notice that the background in the barn was lightened up some, and my pink shirt is now miraculously blue. I love digital magic!


I want to give you a heads up on a few things as the weeks count down to my book release in October. I will be doing some booksignings in West Virginia. I will let you know more when I have the schedule. I will also be featured in a couple of major women’s magazines, and I will tell you more about that when people tell me that I’m allowed to. There will also be some fun promotions and giveaways coming up and if you are on Facebook, be sure you have “Liked” the CITR page. Also, be sure you are subscribed to the CITR newsletter!

The Chickens in the Road Facebook Page (Like it!)

The Chickens in the Road Newsletter (Subscribe!)

Let’s have a good time!


  1. bonita says:

    It’s going to be a fun and BZ fall. Have all the fun you can!

  2. DeniseS says:

    Pre-ordered my book and now just have to wait till it is ready to be shipped. Will watch for information on your book signings and magazine features. How exciting for you and for us who have followed you on this literary journey. I like how the background in the barn was lighted ever so softly along with the additions of hay bales and items. The blue color change in the shirt goes well with the top shirt and the jeans. Great choices for your final cover.

  3. bonita says:

    BTW, Do pub’s still give authors a (small) number of comp copies of books? In addition to these, you might ask the wonderful Noel if she can get you some of the ‘outtake’ copies. Theses are copies that generally are not be sold because of some, often minor, blemish or error. Books in this category include those with some uncut pages, missing signatures, copies with too much binding glue, copies where endpapers are askew or creased, and so on. These make great scrap copies for tear sheets. May come in handy during writing of second book or when you wish you could send one actual page to someone.

  4. Joell says:

    I have my copy on reserve through Amazon, I ordered it as soon as you said you were going to press, I am so anxious to receive your book, I have been reading your blog since you first started and your children were known by their age. How very exciting!

  5. nursemary says:

    I pre-ordered five copies. One for me and four copies for a give-a-way on my blog! I have been reading since Day One myself and I am looking forward to the backstories. Congratulations Suzanne!

  6. Diane says:

    Love the cover. It was so much fun to see all the input about it and then see it come to life. I”m in love with the back ground. It was just what that photo needed. I did not notice the shirt before but yes it was a good change! I’ll be looking for your book when it comes out. 🙂 Might have to add it to my Christmas list. :fairy:

  7. primenumbergirl says:

    Please, please come and do a booksigning in Pittsburgh! We’re within day-trip range from Roane county and I would buy you dinner!

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