What the?


Apparently, Winter didn’t get the memo. School is closed AGAIN today and everyone is confused. It’s the middle of MARCH!!!!


  1. Joell says:

    Is this crazy or what? When the weatherman on our local station was asked when this would end–he refused to answer!! I am so confused.

  2. DeniseS says:

    Watched the evening forecast on the Weather Channel last night and saw what was heading your way. We are all cringing right along with you. I really hope this will be over for all of us very soon. WE WANT SPRING!

  3. Minna says:

    Well, here in Finland it’s just the opposite: we had very little snow this year (it actually rained at Christmas) and it wasn’t particularly cold this year, either. I certainly have never seen a winter like this! Usually this time of year we still have quite a bit snow melting away, but it’s already mostly gone. :sun:

  4. MMHoney says:

    We are tempted to all go visit Minna. I’m not packed that won’t take me long…haha

  5. California Paintbrush says:

    You can come to California too…..we are in serious drought. But, it is beautiful out, all the flowers are blooming, and we are sneezing from allergies! But yesterday, while we picnicked on the grass we did think of all those East of us with such exciting weather. Seriously, we do all feel for you. Send us your snow pack, we’ll send some sunshine. :sun:

  6. zteagirl71 says:

    That’s craziness! It was a beautiful warm and sunny 75 degrees today here in SoCal. :sun: I wish you could send us some of your water to our drought stricken land of sun, and we could send you some of our sunshine. Wishful thinking aside, hang in there gang, Spring really is just around the bend.

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