When It Rains, It Bellows


I have to milk.

It’s raining.
It’s pouring.
It’s so annoying.

I have to milk.

Please excuse the lack of poetry in this moment.



  1. rurification says:

    Bless your heart. Bless her heart. I feel for you.

  2. Pete says:

    So, is she a contralto, or more of an alto, or something else entirely?

    Enquiring minds need to know…

  3. CATRAY44 says:

    Hahahahah! Pete! (Wish I could help you, Suzanne!)

  4. BuckeyeGirl says:

    hehe, possibly a Basso?

  5. yvonnem says:

    She will get over it eventually, hopefully before it drives you insane! :dancingmonster:

    All of this rain is driving me insane….we only get like ONE day a week of sunshine here in WV this spring…AAAAAARGH!!! Can’t even get the grass cut! (I keep telling my husband that we’re going to have to get some goats!)

  6. Runningtrails says:

    Same here! About one day each week of sunshine, the rest – rain! I did a lot of moving and transplanting today, so some rain is good, but this is nuts! I have tilling to get done, but not in the mud! It’s cold too!

    I feel for you, too, Suzanne! I hate going out in the cold rain!

  7. holstein woman says:

    She’ll do it for you!! Wear rain gear and let it rain. You won’t melt, you’re a farmer complete with fun. :snoopy:

  8. Barbee says:

    We’ve had rain forever it seems. When I see it on the TV weather map for here (Kentucky) and headed your way, every time I think: Oh, poor Suzanne!!

  9. GarnetRuby says:

    Maybe you could post an audio of the bellowing. It has been a while since I have heard a cow or calf bellow. We might as well suffer a bit with you!! LOL :cowsleep: :sheepjump: :sheep:
    Sure wish you could send the rain to Texas. We REALLY need it. :hissyfit: Too much of the state is on fire, and we all are fearful.

  10. whaledancer says:

    I’m guessing this weaning is as hard for you as it is for BP & Glory Bee: it must be awfully tempting to just give in & let her nurse so you won’t have to milk. Gotta be tough and pull your real farmer chore boots on. Maybe it would help if you bellow while you do it.

  11. Rosina says:

    Ha ha ha ha, “bellow” while she does it ehh? That would be funny to watch.

  12. KarenAnne says:

    Does the expression on these faces remind you of anyone?

    working at the farm

  13. collector1 says:

    KarenAnne’s link was interesting — they weren’t bellowing however. Hopefully it gets better each day Suzanne.

  14. beforethedawn says:

    GB, you can do it! You’re a big girl now!
    I hope the weaning process goes quickly.

    That first photo from KarenAnne’s link: the second ox looks a lot like GB, and what a handsome feller he is! I thought they were both cows until I read the caption. :moo:

  15. msmitoagain says:

    Aw, poor Glory Bee…wants her momma.

  16. Window On The Prairie says:

    Another few days until the bellowing stops. Since you were on a day on day off schedule, it will take her longer to figure out that she’s not getting to see her ma. Our cows and calves accept it after a few days. Hang in there. :moo:

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