White Bells


Or, you know, whatever. There’s a lot of stuff planted here and I don’t know what it all is. I’m just gonna make names up.


  1. nursemary says:

    I wouldn’t mention this at the Master Gardening Class if I were you. Just sayin’ ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. Centauress says:

    It looks like Lilly of the Valley to me. It was my Grandmothers favorite flower.

  3. Nana Ellen says:

    Pretty sure this is the plant commonly known as the lily-of-the-valley. I’ve always loved ’em. The fragrance is the tell here…a strong sweet smell like no other. Crabtree and Evelyn have a line of bath and lotion products that attempt to mimic it – but nothing really does it justice except finding them in a damp woodland location. Hope you grow to love ’em too. :snuggle:

  4. whaledancer says:

    “White coral bells upon a slendor stalk,
    Lilies of the valley line my garden walk.
    Oh, don’t you wish
    That you could hear them ring?
    That will happen only when the fairies sing.”

  5. bonita says:

    oh! whaledancer, it’s been so long since I’ve heard that…Yes, lily-of-the-valley, good to grow along north sides of houses. . . some folks think of them as weeds

  6. KarenAnne says:

    Not weeds ๐Ÿ™‚

    They will propagate themselves (like ramps ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. mjpeters says:

    Oh, Whaledancer, thank you! Summer camp . . . campfire, crickets, frogs, fireflies, and the beautiful sound of sweet young voices singing a round.

  8. SundaysChild says:

    Oh that heavenly scent! I remember these growing in the shade of the big spruce tree at my childhood home. My father loved them, his birthday was in May. sigh … I found this online:

    “Sweet little bell shaped flowers with a pleasant fragrance, the Lily of the Valley is the birthday flower for the month of May.

    This little flower is associated with humility, pureness of heart, happiness, and sweetness.

    One legend of the Lily Of The Valley is that it was formed from the tears of Eve as she was banned from the Garden of Eden.”

  9. Rose H says:

    One of my favourites there, certainly lily of the valley. I just bought some more as helpful hubby ‘weeded’ mine out a few years ago!

  10. CATRAY44 says:

    My grandfather planted Lilly of the Valley next to his home. He died six years before my birth. My mom transplanted some to our home when I was a child. I have taken some to both of the homes my husband and I have owned. It has a special place in my heart. What a scent it has! I always loved how the flower stalk slips out of the plant with a gentle tug. A bouquet of the flowers is so pretty.

  11. brookdale says:

    Yes, it is lily of the valley. It grows wild in old cemeteries around here. I took some up years ago and it is all around the north side of my house now.
    When you pick the flowers they will last a long time in a vase. They dry well too. And the fragrance is wonderful!
    Suzanne, is yours in a shady spot? It likes the shade. There is a pink variety too, that I have seen in catalogs and on line.
    And, whaledancer, thank you for the reminder of the old song! I remember singing that as a “round” in church camp a long time ago.

  12. brookdale says:

    Me again…Suzanne, if you go online and order a print catalog from BluestonePerennials.com you might be able to identify a lot of your flowers.
    Their catalog has pictures of everything they sell in it. I use it a lot for reference, and always have a few copies out when our Sr. Center has the plant sale.
    Just a suggestion!

  13. GA_in_GA says:

    Such a beautiful flower. But watch the puppy – it is poisonous.

  14. rurification says:

    I second what GA_in_GA says. They’re gorgeous, but deadly. Keep them away from your edible flower patch.

  15. prvrbs31gal says:

    Whaledancer, as soon as I saw the picture, my mind started singing that song, instantly transporting me back to my Girl Scout days! Another one I need to add to the list of “Be sure to teach the kids” songs…

  16. CasieD says:

    As others have said, yes it’s Lily of the Valley. Loves shaded area. But more importantly it spread very easily! It will take over some areas, don’t ask me how I know. 8) If you have a shady spot it will make great ground cover though!

  17. Chickenlady62 says:

    I just love Lily of the valley . I grew up in an old farm house . From the coins we found in the walls remodeling it was built when George Washington was president. We moved from the city to this house in the country and the property was divided off in sections by fieldstone walls. The area that was the flower garden was loaded with all the “old” victorian type flowers and lily of the valley was one of them.

    Whaledancer – thank you for that little rhyme. I don’t ever recall hearing it and I was in girlscouts too ๐Ÿ™‚

  18. MMHoney says:

    Good Morning to one and all,
    When you made the BIG MOVE I e-mailed you to not make any major move in the landscape until you found all of the treasures you will find the first year. Some you will keep and some you will replace.\
    My patch is under my kitchen sink. How I love them. No one mention = weigla (sp) and bridal wreath. All were in my Grandmother’s flower garden.

  19. Peggy in KY says:

    Oh how I miss Lily of the Valley. They are kind of like Rhubarb needing a colder winter then we have in Western KY. I was hoping we were going to move to WI so I again have lily of the valley. To pick the flowers you pull the stem up below the flowers. They will last fairly long in the house and they give off what I think is a pleasing fragrance.

  20. mamawolf says:

    There are lilies of the valley growing on the north and east sides of my house, and yes, they are spreading, which is fine by me. This was my grandmother’s house and we still have one old lilac bush. peonies and a bridal wreath. All her old roses long ago disappeared. Right now our yard is a bit of heaven with the lilies and lilacs in bloom.

  21. Joell says:

    I love Lilly of the valley!! about 35 years ago one of the ladies that came into the salon brought me a “few starts”—since then they have travel to 3 homes with us, and I have used them as ground cover in our present home for the past 15 years, they spread like crazy and when the bloom the smell is out of this world.

  22. Southern MN Gal says:

    Lilly of the Valley is toxic to chickens, so be really careful about letting your hens by them. They are some of my favorite flowers because of their amazing scent, but I had to go and dig mine up that were too close to our chicken coop, just to be on the safe side. The internet states that chickens will rarely eat a plant that is toxic to them, but it’s definitely something to watch out for.

  23. cabynfevr says:

    They are toxic but I have free range chickens and they have never gone near them. I’m assuming there’s something about them, similar to daffodils, that lets them know there’s a “do not eat” sign attatched! ๐Ÿ™‚

  24. Flowerpower says:

    I have a few little sprigs of lily of the valley. So sweet. It’s very expensive to buy thru the floral industry. Takes a lot to make a bride’s bouquet. I just love the stuff. :happyflower:

  25. Debbie in PA says:

    Oh, I love this post! I too have Lily of the Valley lining my walkway. This was my grandparents house (built in 1948) and they have been there ever since i can remember. I loved reading the comments from your readers, and whaledancer, thanks for the song. I never heard that one before.

  26. knititblack says:

    Lily of the Valley! They’re my very favorite flower. My mom used to sing me a song about them when I was a girl: “White coral bells, upon a slender stalk, lilies of the valley deck my garden walls. Oh don’t you wish that you could hear them ring? That will happen only when the fairies sing!” I’m pretty sure that’s why I love them so much. One day when I was about 4, I jingled a stalk and SWORE to my mom that I could hear them ringing. They’re so magical to me!

  27. Joell says:

    :purpleflower: :purpleflower: :purpleflower: :purpleflower: :purpleflower: :purpleflower: :purpleflower: :purpleflower: :purpleflower: :purpleflower: :purpleflower: :purpleflower: :purpleflower: :purpleflower: :purpleflower: :purpleflower: :purpleflower: :purpleflower: :purpleflower: :purpleflower: :purpleflower: :purpleflower: :purpleflower: :purpleflower: :purpleflower: :purpleflower:
    FLOWERPOWER–isnt it amazing what wonderful memories these little flowers bring back to us.

  28. leneskate says:

    :snoopy: So it is Lilly of the vally! Love the smell, and they spread!

  29. Willamette Valley Girl says:

    They are my favorite flower too, with lots of childhood memories attached.

    For the other fans out there – did you notice when the Duke & Duchess of Cambridge (William & Kate) married last year Kate had Lily of the Valley in her bouquet? I thought that was very special. :purpleflower:

  30. wtrmllngirl says:

    I LOVE lily of the valley! It’s my absolute favorite flower, and when it’s the real deal it’s my favorite scent. When we bought the house we’re in, the first things I planted were lily of the valley and flag irises, both transplants from my mom’s yard. This is the first year that we’ve really seen good blossoms from them (4 years in, I believe), and I’m sad that we’re moving soon and I’ll have to start over. But the good news is that these transplant pretty well, so if you want to spread them around, go for it!

  31. holstein woman says:

    Sundayschild, I think you have pens Suzanne perfectly!

  32. Stick Horse Cowgirls says:

    You are so lucky to have lily of the valley. They are very expensive in bridal bouquets! I love their sweet fragrance!

  33. woolylamb says:

    Lily of the valley indeed! So lovely, but so poisonous! Keep the critters away….

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