Free Book Holiday: Wish Upon A Star


It’s my blogiversary! I started my blog two years ago this month, and getting to know so many of you has been the best part about it.

I’m going away for Christmas, so to celebrate the holidays and my blogiversary, I’m hosting an end-of-year blowout wishfest for the new year!

Prize: $10 Amazon gift certificate, PAX mug, or an autographed book of your choice from my backlist! There will be three winners (each winner may choose one of the prize options listed above). How to play? Post your wish for the new year! Maybe magic will happen….

I’ll start.

I wish………
–there would be a great big blizzard so that I wouldn’t have to go anywhere for a week (and I would, of course, be stocked up on all necessities at the time).
–there would be no more wars, anywhere.
–my parents’ health was better.
–I could go to England again, and that when I got there, they would be driving on the right side of the road.
–my children grow up healthy and happy.
–I would sell lots of books this year!!
–I had sheep………

Post as many wishes as you want, but only one wish per day. I’ll be back Monday, January 1st, with the winners! So c’mon, wish upon a star with me! :mrgreen:


  1. Michelle says:

    I wish for more book contracts! :bananadance:

  2. Tammy says:

    :hissyfit:I wish could loose 75 lbs.:hissyfit:

  3. sharon says:

    I wish for a lifetime of perfect health which would allow me to do everything that I would love.

  4. Minna says:

    I wish more texts to translate.

  5. Cryna says:

    My wish would be for my parents to have better health, to be able to enjoy things more……. :thumbsup:

  6. Becki says:

    I wish….to be be able to tell my daughter when she’s a Mom “I told you so!”

  7. Fannie M Wiggins says:

    My 1st wish is that my dear son-in-law didn’t have to go to Iraq the first week of January.:thumbsdown: That he could stay home with his family. Keep him in your prayers. :yes:

  8. Crystal B. says:

    I wish I get pregnant and have the baby my husband and I want so badly.

  9. Fannie M Wiggins says:

    Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year to all of you. May all your dreams and wishes come true. God bless each and every one of you. Hugs to all.:wave:

  10. TeresaH says:

    I wish to lose more weight!:bananadance:

  11. Jennifer Y. says:

    Happy blogiversary!

    I wish my grandfather’s Leukemia was cured!

  12. Tori Lennox says:

    I wish I could lose at least 50 pounds.

  13. RobynL says:

    I wish to everything to go great with my crowns, and new teeth that I am getting soon.

  14. diane says:

    I wish to travel all over the world and spend time enjoying this wonderful experience

  15. ellie says:

    I wish that I could help my husband take more time off instead of working constantly so he is beat all the time.

  16. joelle says:

    I wish that I could take off every single summer and travel in Europe.

  17. Maureen says:

    I wish chocolate was not fattening.

  18. Stefanie says:

    I wish that my parents’ problems will be over soon…:hissyfit:
    I wish that I don’t need to sleep anymore, so I can spend hours and hours reading.:rotfl:
    And last but not least, I wish that this blog will go on for years and years!:lol:

  19. Devon Ellington says:

    –I wish that I’ll find and be able to own the house of my dreams in the coming year (which will have my study/library in it, for a perfect writing zone).

    Have a great holiday!

  20. Joyce says:

    I wish for good health and long lives for my family.

  21. Estella says:

    I wish for good health.

  22. Susan says:

    I wish my cold would go away!:wall:

  23. KimW says:

    I wish bettter health for my mom.

  24. catslady says:

    My daughter just graduated from college and my wish is that she finds the job of her dreams (soon lol).

  25. Karen B says:

    Improved health!

  26. Billie says:

    I wish that my best friend’s fiance wasn’t getting ready to ship out soon. He has already done one tour in Iraq.

  27. Liz Denler says:

    I wish for good health for my family

  28. Maureen says:

    I wish for a new car without the car payment.

  29. Melissa says:

    I wish I had a $10 gc to Amazon. ๐Ÿ˜€

  30. ellie says:

    I wish for my children to have success and happiness.

  31. Tammy says:

    I wish I could win the lottery!

  32. Carol says:

    I wish that my family and friends are all happy and healthy and me, too! lol Gift certificates are something I always love receiving, Mel! :thumbsup:

  33. Karen B says:

    Lots and lots of snow – that would magically only fall on the lawns, not the driveways, sidewalks, streets and highways…:P

  34. Joyce says:

    I wished for the health of my family, today I’ll wish for happiness for my family.

  35. Stefanie says:

    I wish that my exams will be good.:thumbsup:

  36. catslady says:

    I wish my youngest daughter can figure out how to make a career or what further schooling she wants to be able to do her art.:roll:

  37. RobynL says:

    I wish for Amazon GC’s so I could go on a shopping spree.

  38. Marianne says:

    I get three wishes, right, like in the fairy tale?

    1. I wish my mom would live forever (or at least as long as me!) :yes:

    2. I wish that my novel first drafts were perfect and never needed editing. :thumbsup:

    3. I wish I’d get signed to a twenty book deal… :rotfl:

  39. sharon says:

    I wish to have a wonderful vacation in Italy since my husband & I have never had a honeymoon and he can use a change of scene and place.

  40. pearl says:

    I wish my sons success, heath and happiness and a wonderful fufilling life.

  41. diane says:

    I would love to have a succcesful career which would be rewarding and interesting.

  42. Billie says:

    I wish that I didn’t live so far from my mom so that we could spend more time together.

  43. Stefanie says:

    I wish that santa will bring me lots and lots of books.:twisted:

  44. TeresaH says:

    I wish that my son will find a job with insurance soon:wink:

  45. Tammy says:

    I wished we lived closer too Billie!:(

  46. sharon says:

    I wish that I could take a worldwide cruise soon, so that I could appreciate this great trip when my health is good.

  47. Karen B says:

    :love:Happiness and good health for my 3 sons, grandkids and greatgrans.

  48. Maureen says:

    I wish for everyone to have a wonderful holiday.

  49. RobynL says:

    I wish for safe travelling this season for everyone.

  50. Melissa says:

    I wish you could all enjoy some of these cookies I’m eating. My ex’s parents sent pecan, chocolate chip, and cut-outs and my ex made Peanut Blossoms with dark, caramel, and milk chocolate Hershey Kisses.

    GC’s do make great gifts eh, Carol? ๐Ÿ˜‰

  51. sharon says:

    I would love to take a cruise with my entire family, a memorable family reunion.

  52. catslady says:

    I wish family members all lived close by and could get together more often.

  53. Suzanne says:

    I wish all of you have a very merry Christmas!!!

  54. kim h says:

    i wish peace and love all over the world, and a new car for me

  55. Stefanie says:

    I wish that my grandmother, who is 90 years old, will have a happy and healthy 2007.:love:

  56. sharon says:

    I wish for the best of health and happiness for my entire family and their success in life.

  57. Karen B says:

    Peace on earth, good will toward men.

  58. diane says:

    I wish for all families to live in peace and harmony.

  59. Fannie M Wiggins says:

    I wish I didn’t live so far from my 4 grandsons. They are growing up so fast and I’m missing them.:hissyfit: Merry Christmas everyone. Hugs to all.:wave:

  60. Melissa says:

    I wish everybody a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! :bananadance:

  61. RobynL says:

    I wish for good health and happiness now and in the coming year.

  62. catslady says:

    My wish is that you and yours all get to enjoy the holidays together.:love:

  63. Joyce says:

    Wish I could lose weight so my knees would feel better.:wall:

  64. TeresaH says:

    I wish for peace on earth!:thumbsup:

  65. ellie says:

    I wish for a New Year filled with blessings of good health,success and happiness.

  66. Tammy says:

    I wish for new carpet.

  67. Stefanie says:

    I wish that this year my sister will realise that she has to work for school.:roll:
    That things won’t happen themselves.

  68. Tammy says:

    I wish for my children to have love, success and happiness.

  69. sharon says:

    I wish for a new and improved relationship with my sister.

  70. Karen B says:

    :wall:Patience – right now, please………….I can’t wait

  71. Melissa says:

    I wish I had a black Lamborghini. ๐Ÿ˜†

  72. Dena says:

    I wish me and my daughter got a long better,when she turned 17 last February she changed into a alien that argues and challenges me on everything.:wall: It gets so hard.I want my sweet little girl back!:cry:

  73. Jennifer Y. says:

    I wish I could lose weight…and keep it off.

  74. catslady says:

    Okay now I’m going to wish big time lol – I wish all my debts were paid off!!!!

  75. RobynL says:

    I wish for new flooring in our entire house. But not the bill, LOL.

  76. Maureen says:

    I wish that my children will grow up to be healthy, wealthy and wise.

  77. diane says:

    I wish for a productive life and a wonderful career.

  78. Joyce says:

    I hope my grandson grows up to be like his dad.

  79. Lis says:

    I wish my polishing on this ms would go faster so I can finally type the end and mean it :thumbsup:

  80. TeresaH says:

    I wish that I had enough wishes to last a lifetime!:rotfl:

  81. Tammy says:

    I wish for a very long, happy, healthy, and wealthy life with my husband.

  82. Stefanie says:

    I wish… that I had a very big house. So I could make my own private library!:yes:

  83. Maureen says:

    I wish I enjoyed eating salads more than I enjoy cakes and cookies.

  84. Cheryl S. says:

    My parents celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary this past month. I wish for good health for them to enjoy many more years together.

  85. Melissa says:

    I wish I had a cute little apartment waiting for me in FL so I could move NOW! :hissyfit:
    Though a cute little apartment in Scotland would be cool too. ๐Ÿ˜€

  86. ellie says:

    I wish for my husband and I to travel and spend time together which is difficult due to his work schedule.

  87. Fannie M Wiggins says:

    I wish for a newer car so I don’t have to worry if I’ll get where I’m going. Hugs to all.:wave:

  88. Joyce says:

    Wish my brother’s family lived closer.

  89. Karen B says:

    I wish for someone to get the bird out of my back door light fixture. Last night it got in the house and in took me 40 minutes to chase it out – quite a sight for anyone driving by and seeing a great grannie running through her house with a stick shaking in the air. Doors were all wide open and it’s freezing outside. Damn bird – why didn’t it migrate?? :whip:

  90. diane says:

    I wish to travel now that I have good health and can enjoy this special experience.

  91. RobynL says:

    I wish for good travelling weather in Jan. for our many visits to the city for dental work.

  92. Jennifer Y. says:

    I wish my parents could get the new house they dream about.

  93. catslady says:

    Today I wish for a cleaning lady to clean up after all the holiday gift unwrapping lol.

  94. joelle says:

    I wish for a lifetime of wonderful health so it will allow me to accomplish everything that I would want in life, travel, work and thrive.

  95. Heather Harper says:

    I wish for my family to have good health and happiness. And world peace. :heart:

  96. Stefanie says:

    I wish for a pair of warm socks, cause my feet are really feeling like ice! Brrr.:yuck:

  97. Tammy says:

    I wish my feet didn’t hurt so bad all the time!

  98. RobynL says:

    I wish for dh’s company pension plan to be settled so he can retire in peace.:hyper:

  99. diane says:

    I wish for a career that is filled with creativity and interest.

  100. Fannie M Wiggins says:

    I wish my grandson Nathan’s skin condition would clear up so he could be a normal little 6 year old.:yes: He is so shy because of this.

  101. Maureen says:

    I wish my house could clean itself.

  102. Melissa says:

    I wish I could fly out to California and see an old friend.

  103. Dena says:

    I wish for better health this year,last year was really bad so hopefully I’ll be better this year.8)

  104. Jennifer Y. says:

    I wish my throat would stop hurting! :sick:

  105. TeresaH says:

    I wish I wasn’t so sleepy all the time!!!:zzz:

  106. Stefanie says:

    Yeh, we have more than 100 messages!!!!!:bananadance:
    Kinda cool for a blogiversary!:mrgreen:

  107. Suzanne says:

    Thanks, Stefanie!

    I wish everyone’s wishes will come true!

  108. Joyce says:

    My grandson has the croup, so here’s a big wish that he will get better SOON!

  109. Angie T says:

    I wish my 15 year old son and his dad weren’t so much alike..they butt heads constantly! They need to find a happy medium. Seriously. ๐Ÿ™„

  110. Karen B says:

    :thumbsup:I’m with Maureen – a self-cleaning house! But then I would surely think that I’d died and gone to heaven:rotfl:

  111. catslady says:

    Books, books, books…I wish for more books!!!!

  112. Meretta ~ American Title Finalist says:

    I wish for a lot of things, but continued health and happiness for my family and friends is paramount. The rest is just gravy! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Merry Christmas, Suzanne!

  113. sharon says:

    I wish my husband and I could spend time together relaxing and traveling.

  114. Melissa McClone says:

    I wish for more hours each day!

  115. Jeanette Jackson says:

    I wish everyone gets their wish(es)

  116. Stefanie says:

    I wish that my cold will go over soon.:sick: