I’ll Be The One With Powdered Sugar On My Face


A Hero’s Redemption, on the shelves in a Charlotte, North Carolina bookstore. (Thanks to Marty for sending me this photo!) If you haven’t picked up your copy, save a starving writer, buy one! :heart:

For this weekend’s Free Book Friday, I dug up another treat from my dwindling RWA loot pile–an autographed copy of the August Silhouette Nocturne release, Damned, by Lisa Childs!

How’s your weekend look? Here, we have annual Black Walnut Festival fun–parade, carnival, arts and crafts show (I entered the photography contest!), livestock show (cute farm animals in the 4-H barn! sheep!!!!! pretty brown cows!!!!!), bake-off, live music, antique/classic car show, Black Walnut Bowl football game at the high school, and FUNNEL CAKE FOR EVERYONE! If you’re in Spencer, West Virginia this weekend, see you there! (Look for me in the funnel cake line….)


  1. Kimmy says:

    Sounds like your going to have a great weekend. Nothing here but homecoming tonight. :hissyfit:

  2. Crystal B. says:

    Sounds like a great festival. Hope you have a wonderful time. 🙂

  3. Kim A. says:

    The festival sounds fun! Good luck in the photography contest; let us know the outcome. 🙂

    Please don’t enter me in the contest; I already have the book.

    Have a joy-full weekend, everyone.


  4. Alice Audrey says:

    Have a great time at the festival.

  5. Melissa McClone says:

    My weekend’s looking great so far. Kids are out of school today so they went to my parents last night. I’ll get them back on Saturday. I can just feel the pages wanting to come out my fingers!!!!! :flying:

  6. Joyce says:


    Just finished A Hero’s Redemption and loved it.

  7. Zara says:

    Have fun at the festival! Good luck in the photography contest as well! :hug:

    I’m heading to the bookstore later today, so I’m going to get A Hero’s Redemption then. It looks awesome! :woof:

    Next Wednesday is my son’s birthday, so right now I’m finishing all the last minute stuff for his party. :birthday1:

    Have a great weekend all! :hellokitty:

  8. catslady says:

    I love funnel cake! Good luck on the photography contest – I know you’re going to win a ribbon :yes:
    Nothing going on here since our Steelers aren’t playing this weekend. And I keep hearing about her books but haven’t read her as yet.

  9. Melissa K. says:

    Not entering the contest ’cause I won last week. Just stopped in to say :wave:
    This weekend I’m getting out my Honey-Do list. :whip:
    Please let me know about the photo contest, Suz. Good Luck! :hug:

  10. leanne says:

    Ahh, funnel cake. Sounds good. Have fun at the festival this weekend, and good luck in the contest. Don’t enter me in the contest, I have the book already. Hope everyone has a great weekend.

    Leanne :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

  11. Fannie M Wiggins says:

    Good luck with your photography entry :shimmy: Keeping a good thought for you. Funnel cakes rock. I used to travel with an amusement company and never could resist those delicious things. :mrgreen: Always had to have one at least every other day. No special plans this week-end for me. Just trying to get over physical therapy. Ouch!!!. Have a great week-end everyone and :hug: to all. Hope to get a copy of your book soon. :yes:

  12. Susan says:

    My money is on you winning the photography contest! :rockon:

    Have a fantastic time and have a funnel cake for me. :shimmy:

  13. Nathalie says:

    Can I be entered please :mrgreen:

  14. Teresa W. says:

    Going to the local football game tonight, then Saturday to a wedding. So my weekend is pretty full.

  15. Magdalena Scott says:


    Nothing like a festival to bring the town together, huh? Enjoy!

    Saturday afternoon is the multi-author book signing at The Bookstore in Radcliff, KY, sponsored by Kentucky Romance Writers (KYRW). I’m so excited to be on the Author side of the table this year!

  16. Brandy says:

    Good luck with the photo contest. The Black Walnut festial sounds like fun. Eat a funnel cake for me!

  17. Crystal G says:

    Have fun at the Black Walnut Festival. I may head that way too.

  18. Estella says:

    Sounds like a great festival!
    Looks like my weekend will be more painting in the dining/living room.

  19. Lily says:

    I forgot to mention that I have never heard of this festival… we must not have it in Canada!

  20. Biddy says:

    Your weekend sounds great. I will be going to a four year olds birthday party and then a six year olds party *thunk* This is what happens when your college friends start reproducing. And she is eight months pregnant with baby number three! And she wants us to stay over…

  21. Nathalie says:

    Sounds like a cool festival… and I always like it when there is food 🙂

  22. Cheryl S. says:

    Covered bridge festival here in Ohio this weekend.
    Please don’t enter me in the drawing. I have this book along with the first two in Lisa’s Witch Hunt series. I devoured all 3 in one week. I love her writing, no matter which line.
    And I’ve had my copy of A Hero’s Redemption for a couple weeks — just haven’t read it yet. Waiting until I have the time to really savor it. I know I won’t want to put it down once I crack it open.

  23. Marty says:

    Ooooh! Funnel cakes! Have an extra one for me. You can send me the calories via e-mail 🙂

  24. JOYE says:

    The Arizona State Fair just opened so that is how I am spending part of my weekend and we are having beautiful weather here now.

  25. Lexi Connor says:

    Have a great weekend! I’m planning to stay home, grade some papers and start revisions on my current manuscript.

  26. Dena says:

    Were not doing much this weekend.I’m going to try to get caught up on my shows and take it easy. :hellokitty:

  27. Tori Lennox says:

    You are MEAN to bring up funnel cake!!! Now I want some!!!

  28. Susan Wright says:

    Got my funnel cake last weekend at the Pumpkin Festival last weekend in Putnam County. Hope yours is good too.

    A Hero’s Redemption is great from the very appropriate title to the contempory story line. Also loved trying to figure out what was going to happen and what had already occurred.

  29. Ashley says:

    The local small town held their festival yesterday. I took the kids. Their highlight: the bungee jump. Good luck on the photo contest. I never hear about the local fairs in time to enter them.

  30. TeresaH says:

    mmmm….funnel cake! :hungry: Sounds like a fun weekend.

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