Win a Ball Blue Book!


The “ring string” is one of my favorite canner’s tips I picked up from Georgia, who taught me to can. String rings on a cord, make a loop at one end, then hang in the pantry. (You tie a ring on at the bottom of the string–that’s what keeps the rings from falling off.) I have one for wide mouth rings, one for regular mouth. It keeps rings wrangled and is a great space-saver!

This post is all Ball Blue Book giveaway! See my other, regular, post today in Country Living!


Ball Blue BookIt’s a Ball Blue Book Project day! Today’s Ball Blue Book is sponsored by Linda D: “In honor of Grandma Handler, who was quite the canner in her day.”

For a chance to win: Leave a comment on this post and let me know you want it. You can just put (BBB) at the end of your comment or otherwise note that you want to be in the draw. One winner will be drawn by random comment number to receive a Ball Blue Book. Eligible entry cut-off is midnight Eastern (U.S.) time tonight (June 2). This post will be updated with the winner by 9 a.m. Eastern (U.S.) time tomorrow (June 3). Return to this post to see if you won.

Find out more about the Ball Blue Book Project and become a sponsor.

UPDATE 06/03/10: The winning comment number, drawn by, is #81, Brittin. Email me at CITRgiveaways(at) with your full name and address for shipping!



  1. pamb says:

    We’ve always done that with our rings, too. We didn’t can last year–ate most stuff, no tomatoes (tomato blight) & didn’t buy produce from others, but I think we’re ready again this year.

    Thanks, Linda D, for sponsering this drawing!


  2. Carla says:

    I would love a new Ball Blue Book. And what a creative idea for lids. Mine just pile up in several different places.

  3. Richelle says:

    Love the look of your organised pantry! And yes, would like the BBB very much, thank you!

  4. Patty says:

    Oh I would LOVE a copy of that book! I’ve never canned before, and I’ve really been inspired to start this year and have my daughters learn along with me.

  5. Diana says:

    Great timing…I’ve got a mess of rings all over the place as we are trying to find space for canning stuff (I just learned how to make salsa and jam this past summer). We’ll definately be using this idea. Hopefully this year something will survive (seedlings havent done so well this year). But even if nothing grows I’ll take advantage of the cheap sales when they come plus it seems people always want to give us foods..plums, zucchini or whatever.

    BBB πŸ™‚

  6. erin w says:

    i would love to win that bbb! Thank you Linda D. and suzanne : )

    We canned a little last summer, some tomatoes and homemade salsa. I’m ready to go a little bigger this year : ) if all goes as planned in the garden.

  7. Tracey In Paradise,Pa. says:

    :happyflower: Pick me..Canning for the first time this year!! WIsh me luck!!
    Hugs GRanny Trace

  8. Laura B in Greenwood, IN says:

    Pick me, Pick me, Pick me!! :woof: I REALLY want that book!

  9. Heidi says:

    I would love a chance to win a Ball Blue Book. Thank you to Linda D for sponsoring it.

  10. Little Ant says:

    Wow, I just reorganized my pantry and especially one wall of shelves dedicated to my canning supplies etc. I wish I’d thought of this space saving idea for storing rings last week. LOL. This will save me some much needed space, thanks. Now if I could only figure a way to store all my empty jars on a string. πŸ™‚ BTW BBB, BBB, BBB. My present BBB is literally in pieces from years of use. I definitely need a new one.

  11. CindyP says:

    Would love the new BBB!

    I use your ring method, how nice it is to have them all in one spot now!!

    Thank you Linda D for sponsoring this giveaway!

  12. Jill says:

    I use a coat hanger for mine – I untwist it, but leave it in the same shape and just slip them on. BBB

  13. Connie of Ohio says:

    I would love the new BBB. The one I have came with my canner back in the seventies. If I can get my garden in between the rain. My plants and seeds are patiently waiting on the side porch. The tiller quit last night and had to be fixed too. Oh My.

  14. twoturkey says:

    I too would like that BBB as I still haven’t located mine.
    I also hand my rings on string .

    Thanks for offering the BBB again.

    Mrs. Turkey

  15. Roz says:

    I would love to win the Ball Blue book! Thanks for such a great giveaway, Suzanne!

  16. csn73 says:

    I’d love to win a Ball Blue Book. I’ve just been using my book that came with my small pressure canner and if it isn’t in there I can usually find it online some where. I’ve been looking for a good deal on a Ball Blue Book but haven’t run across one yet and need all the help I can get!

  17. Tina says:

    I would really love to win this book. I have canned a few things in the past and am looking forward to venturing into more. πŸ™‚ thanks for your great website!

  18. Judy Wolf says:

    The string tip is wonderful. I’ll have to do that. They take up so much space in the drawers. And, I’d like a BBB.

    Enjoy your blog so much!!

    Judy in MO

  19. Miss Becky says:

    I love your tip about the ring strings. wayward rings have always been a headache. I’d really like that BBB!

  20. northcountrygirl says:

    I use to can. Lately, I’ve got the urge to make some jellies and jams: strawberry, apple, peach, etc. Please enter me for the Blue Book. BBB

  21. BonnieP says:

    Would love a new BBB. I can and dehydrate everything in sight. The book I have now is about 15 years old and very tattered.

  22. Beth Brown says:

    Wish I had a tip to share…..but please include me in this drawing.


  23. Kathy in FL says:

    Great idea for storing rings! I’ve always just kept mine loose in the canner. Add my name to the drawing for the BBB.

  24. wkf says:

    I would love a blue book. Please and Thank you! :wave:

  25. Connie says:

    I’d love to win it. I’m gonna use that ring string tip. Awesome!

  26. Lisa Cummings says:

    I just saw this way of storing rings on the Homestead Blessings video by The West Ladies. Thought it was a great idea! BBB

  27. Nikki says:

    I ring string too! Love to win a book!

  28. Cassondra says:

    I’d like to win! BBB

  29. Stephanie in Indiana says:

    I would love to have the BBB!! (If I don’t win one soon, I’ll have to buy one! Oh, the injustice!!) πŸ˜†

  30. monica says:

    BBB me too please! I need one of these: remember my chicken soup from last year? I REALLY need one of these books!
    The tomato cages are already too small for the jungle of plants we have there! I can’t wait to have some sandwiches and salsa. I just took a peek at the garden–there is already a jalapeno pepper plant with peppers covering it! I don’t ever remember stuff coming on this early.

  31. Annegi says:

    I have to say I love your BLOG, between your photos & stories about life in the country. My dream has always been to live in a home in the country. I live in a large apt complex in the Northeast, where for the 1st time in over 15 years I was fortunate enough to get picked for one of the 8 12×9′ garden plots here. In previous years I’ve container gardened w/ minimal results due to a lack of sunshine. I would so love to win the BBB, I know that this would be an invaluable resource.
    I’m on a very fixed income so buying books isn’t an option. I have frequent flier miles at my local library but their copy is OLD!

  32. Carol Laing says:

    Hi, I love your site. I used to can years ago, but then “got too busy” with job, life, etc. Today I am retired and learning to can all over again. Thanks for your efforts, keep up the good work.

  33. Carol Laing says:

    Oops, forgot to put BBB on my previous post. Thanks

  34. Amy says:

    BBB please! I also learned that “trick” from my mother. Great way to keep the rings together!

  35. Jackie C says:

    Please enter me in the BBB winners circle. I will can a lot this summer if and a big if we ever get some sun. The snow pes are happy, but not much else. :sun:

  36. Jamie Tobin says:

    BBB,this is what I want.We really enjoy following your blog.We are trying out the whole canning thing and this is what I need.Thanks

  37. Staci Lynn says:

    Great idea on stringing up the rings. Now what do I do with the gazillion jars I have and no shelves?

    Add me to the BBB list…

  38. Bonnie Schmidt says:

    I would love to win! I am trying to broaden my canning horizon!

  39. Jenny35 says:

    The BBB is just the book that I need to complete my kitchen with. Count me in.

  40. Cyndi Avery says:

    I would love to win the BBB. Thanks for the chance and after work today, I’m gonna have to go get my rings together…I was just last night trying to stack them neatly in the cupboard….

  41. Maureen says:

    I would love to win the BBB!

  42. William Hollandsworth says:

    I remember my paternal grandmother keeping a “ring string” in the kitchen near the sink and she would put the empty jars under a counter for safe keeping until the next season. I also remember my other grandma and great-grandma canning (cold packing) green beans in a big kettle over an open fire in the back yard. What a learning experience.


  43. sueallie says:

    That is just how my mama used to keep her rings. Need the BBB tomatoes are green.

  44. Cyndi B says:

    Good idea for a ring string…I’m going to try that when I get home today!
    Have a great day…thunderstorming in Michigan!

  45. anne says:

    Thanks for this BBB day. Have a wonderful summer.

  46. marymac says:

    canning season is coming soon, got to get ready, would love to win this BBB

  47. Nikki says:

    BBB please!
    Thank you Linda D.

  48. Jessica says:

    I would love a copy of the BBB! And what a great tip for rings – mine have been spilling out of every drawer and off every shelf. Thanks!

  49. BrendaE says:

    I want the BBB please pick me. Love that sring idea also.

  50. Shannon J says:

    I ,ove the ring string idea. I was using line to hang plastic milk jugs (we use them as cheap cloches), so I don’t know why it never occurred to me. I’d like to be listed for the BBB. Thanks!

  51. Darlene says:

    Would love to win the BBB!

  52. CrystalGB says:

    I would love to have the BBB.

  53. Linda T. says:

    Thank you Linda D, and Suzanne! Please throw my name in the hat for the BBB

  54. Lisa W says:

    Thank you for the chance to win a BBB!

  55. Marjorie Wolson says:

    If I were to win a Blue Ball Book, I could move mountains! BBB! Bounce! :snoopy: Bounce! :snoopy: Bounce! :snoopy:

    Me -> :wave:

  56. cabynfevr says:

    BBB Suzanne, do you use a pressure canner to do your vegies or just a water bath?

  57. Eunice Moore says:

    What a great idea for storing jar rings. For all you Chickens who don’t win the BBB my Wal-Mart has them for about $6.00. Greatest canning aid.

  58. Sally says:

    Love the string idea. Sorry you lost your relief milker. Would be happy to be a winner in the BBB! Please enter me.

  59. LeAnn says:

    Love the pantry pic! My grandma used to store her rings on a wire hangers that grandpa had altered. They could be unhooked to add or remove the rings. Grandma always made sure the rings were nice and dry so they wouldn’t rust and last longer. They hung overhead in the “canning room”, an area in the basement where they had an old range, metal sink cabinet (w/hot & cold running water) and shelving. Grandma, and her helpers, would be nice and cool canning in the basement while it was blazing hot upstairs. Grandma was blessed.

    Oh, and BBB please πŸ™‚

  60. Sam says:

    I find your blog so interesting. Enter my name for BBB.


  61. Christina says:

    Sign me up for the BBB!! πŸ™‚

  62. geena22 says:

    LOL That brings back memories! My mom did the same thing.BBB please

  63. Kat says:

    On vacation in West Virginia and staying in an old farmhouse with chickens and goats! Eating fresh eggs every morning and seeing the basement full of last years bounty all canned up and ready to be eaten is really enticing me to start canning this year. Would love a BBB!

  64. jan~n~tn says:

    I need to know how to can squash. Anybody!
    BBB is needed.

  65. Becky says:

    Incredibly, I’ve been canning since I was 24–ahem…30 years ago–and NEVER had a copy of this essential book. It’s time to rectify that. BBB

  66. Amanda says:

    I’d really like a BBB.

  67. Linda C. says:

    I enjoy canning and would love to have a Ball Blue Book. Thanks for the chance to win one. BBB please.

  68. Laura says:

    My first visit to your blog! I need a new BBB – mine (my second) is years old. What I need to know is how to keep the rings from rusting in humid Georgia. They even rust when stored in plastic bags.

  69. Southern MN Gal says:

    Oooohhh!!! Pick me! Pick me!! :wave: This will only be my second year of canning, so I’m a total newbie! But I’ve heard wonderful things about the BBB, so I’d love a chance to win one. Thanks for your blog – I’m a daily reader/stalker!! haha

  70. Rosee says:

    Oh! I’d love it! My sisters and I get together every year with everything we can gather to can. It’s a wonderful experience, but we don’t have much expertise. This would be a wonderful addition to an already wonderful tradition! And thanks for sponsoring this drawing!


  71. Mary says:

    :clover: I sure would like to win a Blue Ball Book. Happy Tuesday and I love Cloer.

  72. Steve Purinton says:

    I like “your” idea of the rings on a string. I’ll try it, or a modification of this idea. I do need something to keep the bands in a smaller area. I would like the BBB also.

  73. Marianne says:

    Planted a decent sized garden this year and hope to have enough for my first attempt at canning. Since I was laid off, I’m trying anything to save money.

    BBB please!

  74. Rose H says:

    Just love the nice tidy pantry! The canning rings look great hung like that too. :yes:

    Please consider me for the BBB, I’ve never even seen one this side of the pond!

  75. patrice says:

    Thanks to Linda for sponsoring this giveaway. I would love to win the BBB.

  76. Pam Glidden says:

    I’ve always wanted to learn to can. Please pick my name….your site is making me hungry this morning. :sun:

  77. Betty says:

    Would love to have a BBB

  78. Terri Draeger says:

    Canning season is in full swing here! A Ball book would be most appreciated!
    BBB!!!!& ladies – start your pressure cookers! :dancingmonster:

  79. Brittin says:

    Please enter me in the BBB giveaway! :chef:

  80. KentuckyFarmGirl says:

    Beautiful pantry! I need to organize mine! I do have my rings on a string because of you! My mom started doing it too when she saw mine.

    BBB I have an older one but would love to have this one as well!

  81. Nichole says:

    I wish my pantry looked that good. LOL… enter me. BBB

  82. Sally Smith says:

    I’ve been lurking for a while, and this seemed like a great time to finally post something!

    Thanks for all the time and effort you dedicate to this site. It’s really appreciated.


  83. MarieKay says:

    I would love to win the BBB. Thanks for the posts everyone I enjoy reading them.

  84. Eve Davis says:


    I have been searching for weeks for my blue book that I purchased last year, it is not with my cook books, do not know why not, searched in office, in recliner pockets, next to the bed, under the bed. I cannot find it anywhere. So long story short, I surely hope to win a ball blue book. I have been pretty good with freezing stuff, this year I want to jar veggies, sauce, etc. I make a pretty good salsa, and spaghetti sauce, at least all my friends think so, I get tons of orders for salsa. So instead of freezing I would like to jar it up.I will keep my fingeres crossed.

  85. farmershae says:

    I’m not sure the garden will make it – the rain seems like it will never stop. Maybe a new BBB will bring sunshine! BBB me please!

  86. Carol Campbell says:

    so glad Weston got his license. so stressful on all! and BBB!!!!!

  87. Gena says:

    Ooh Ooh Ooh! It would be so fun to learn to can!

  88. Melanie says:

    BBB, pretty please!

  89. Michelle says:

    Yes, please enter me for the BBB!

  90. leavesofthefall says:

    BBB!! Love this book. Need to hunt for mine, too, before the season kicks in.

  91. leavesofthefall says:

    Oh, and love the “ring string” idea!! Thanks for passing that one along. :snoopy:

  92. Megan says:

    My mom strings her rings too! BBB

  93. SuzieQ says:

    Would love to win the book…planing on trying to can this year for the first time. Cross your fingers. :snoopy:

  94. Glenie says:

    I’m canning over two bushels of green beans today. BBB

  95. Gini says:

    BBB me please! πŸ˜€

  96. Lanita Canup says:

    Would love to win a Blue Ball Book! :happyflower:

  97. Kris says:

    I oh so desperately need this! BBB!

  98. debbie says:

    Love the idea for keeping rings! BBB

  99. Bari says:

    I would love to win a ball blue book! What a wonderful giveaway!


  100. Connie says:

    Great idea for the rings! Please enter me in the giveaway. BBB πŸ™‚

  101. Becka says:

    Wow. I love the idea for the rings. I want to win the Ball giveaway. BBB

  102. Liz says:

    BBB BBB BBB. Please and thank you!

  103. Bren says:

    I’m hoping to learn to can green beans and make salsa and pickle okra and beets this year. All from my garden. This would come in most handiful! BBB Thank you.

  104. OnMyWay2Glory says:

    Cool idea to string the rings instead of having them falling out of boxes. I’ll have one of the grand-kids string mine.
    Love this Blog.

    Would love to win the BBB.

  105. pdelainey says:

    I love the idea of a ring string!
    BBB :clover:

  106. ally says:

    Your jars are beautiful!. BBB Thanks, Ally

  107. Debbie in Memphis says:

    Thanks Linda and Suzanne!! (BBB)

  108. Diane Byrd says:

    I love your Blog! Thanks, Diane


  109. Banana says:

    I wish my pantry would be that organized!!!

    I also wish I could win the BBB!

  110. mommafox says:

    The garden is in full swing, so a BBB will come in MIGHTY handy.

  111. Christa H. says:

    Yes please!

  112. kathy holmes says:

    Yes a BBB would be great, sign us up! I am going to tackle canning this year. And thank you for your blog, I really enjoy it. You have dogs and chicks and animals and are so kind to share it all with us. We have airedales and kitties and chickens, and a 16 yr old son driver, no license yet….
    Virginia looks alot like Oregon, lots of greenery outside. Great porch!

  113. Moon says:

    Thank you for the lovely site.
    lt would be a wonderful gift to recieve the BBB …
    Canning is so much fun , its insurance for my family .,
    cheers :wave:

  114. Laurent Cyr says:

    Hello! I would love receiving the Ball Blue Book! I love canning, and the book would be a nice addition.



  115. scorwin says:

    Hi, Garden is in, have to learn how to can!! BBB

  116. Karen says:

    I would love to win a BBB. Your website is great. Thanks for sharing.

  117. Denise says:

    I am new to the canning world and would love to have a Ball Blue Book πŸ™‚

  118. Joy says:

    Would love to win a book. Wish my pantry looked like yours. I admire all your “putting up”

  119. Denise Clark says:

    I would love to have this book. I started canning last year with my mom’s pressure canner and I love it! Plan on canning everything I can get a hold of this year. Thank you!!

  120. Debbie Linkous says:

    I would love to have the Blue Ball book! πŸ™‚

  121. David Miller says:


    I would love to be considered for your BBB drawing.

    Thanks for having these drawings, I plan on telling everyone I know about this,

    Thanks again,


  122. Julie says:

    I would love to have this book.I love to can everything from my garden.

  123. Shar says:

    I’d LOVE to be the lucky winner of the BBB!

    Thank you to Linda and I hope she has many many fond memories!

  124. Rita Withrow says:

    I have been recovering from an auto accident and my sister in law and I have done a little canning to entertain me. Now I have the bug big time. I told my Mom earlier today that I needed to get a Ball Blue Book. I’m told it’s the best canning guide to get. I would love to have one.


  125. Diane St Peter says:

    I love your website and the wonderful recipes !!! Please enter me in the BBB drawing. Hope I win !

  126. Jan Klug says:

    would looovvvvvveeeeee BBB!

  127. Jill B says:

    I’d love to win the BBB. I just started canning.

  128. cathycan says:

    Having gone to work full time, I don’t have much energy to can although I still like to do some jam now and then! But my niece is trying her hand at it. She has a little garden that she tends between walking and baby-sitting abt. a hundred dogs! I’ll give it to her if I win. She’d love it, in fact if I don’t win I guess I’ll have to buy her a book myself….but I want to WIN one!; )

  129. Keri Van Sickle says:

    You surely shared ideas that are new to me; I am knew to canning.
    Thanks so much.

  130. Permelia Ehle says:

    Love to make jams and jellies to give for gifts. New to your site. Thanks for the opportunity to win a BBB. <3

  131. Pat says:

    Am I too late?
    BBB please πŸ™‚

  132. Debbie in PA says:

    :snoopy: I would love to get a copy of this book!

  133. Rowena Philbeck says:

    That is a great idea about the ring string. I also love your website. Awesome information.

  134. BonnieP says:

    My granddaughter and I are 4H canning for the fair and would love to win the BBB.

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