A Few Reveals


I’ve been working hard painting. Sorta like peeing on the house, ya know? (Sorry for that analogy.) I have an intense need to make it mine. I painted my bedroom, then painted half of the downstairs–the living room and the dining room. I’m probably going to take a break from painting now and go back to unpacking and sorting things out, then I’ll go back to painting. I have a lot of painting to do as I intend to paint the entire house.

For now, here is the new living room with the accent wall at the fireplace finished.

And yes, all the cords will be hidden when I complete the open floor-to-ceiling shelving project.

I’m taking the “sandbar” neutral throughout the house, but the dining room is set off by molding and seemed to call out for its own color. I didn’t want to go too different there as I didn’t want it to compete with the fireplace accent wall, so I used a color two shades down on the same color card as the “sandbar” so that it would be complementary. Here is the finished dining room paint job:

I really like how that came out. It’s similar enough that it doesn’t compete or conflict, but different enough to lend a certain presence of its own to the dining room and ground it as its own space. (And to the right, behind the china cabinet, that is still the old yellow paint. I haven’t gotten to that wall yet.)

The transformation is dramatic. The space has gone from too bright to warm, cozy, inviting, and earthy.

There is much more to do in these rooms as I have barely started decorating. It will take some time for me to live with the rooms and figure out what I want to do with the walls and to complete projects like the shelving and the vintage window wall art, etc. But, that is part of the fun. If everything was done all at once, what would I have to think about? Paint is the foundation. Now I will enjoy slowly completing the spaces to suit myself.


….I’m enjoying myself here at Sassafras House!


  1. Sheila Z says:

    and I see a kitty kicking back too!

    Color looks nice with your furniture.

  2. bonita says:

    the trick of using a paint color two down or two up on the same card is great for defining separate functions in an open space…works great for hallways, too. It’s clear from your soothing bedroom and the welcoming living room that you already have a great sense of how to make this space yours.

  3. ticka1 says:

    Love your colors! Glad to see you making this house yours! I think this is the first picture I have ever seen of you relaxing/kicking back and enjoying some quiet time!

    Thanks for sharing pictures of your new farm!

  4. CATRAY44 says:

    It is lovely. I am so happy for you all!

  5. JOJO says:

    Suzanne, are there gas logs in your fireplace? I hope so, no more making fire–time to sit back with a nice cuppa or a glass of something nice and relax a bit now. I was wondering, is there a sassafras wine, liquer, or extract? If not, something tells me there maybe in the future. 😉

  6. shirley T says:

    Looks great suzanne,You are a “git-her-done” type of gal. I’m so proud of you and Morgan too.Did Morgan have to change schools?

  7. Miss Judy says:

    I am enjoying the “reveal”! Puts a smile on my face knowing you are wallowing in every minute of marking your new territory! LOL

  8. Flowerpower says:

    The darker green just sets off the white molding.If you rush to make paint changes to the entire house at once you might get something on the walls that you might not be entirely happy with. Enjoy it…unpack your treasures…and see what the house tells you to paint it. In my former life I had a wrought iron door that I had wanted to paint a different color. Painted it…drove by going to work looking at it…came home…and painted the dang thing over! Couldnt stand it. So don’t do that like me! :happyflower:

  9. shirley T says:

    I haven’t seen Boomer for a while. If you have already posted anything about him I missed it. Thanks!!!

  10. holstein woman says:

    At last a resting picture, yeah Suzanne. Its good for you!
    I have to admit, the home is getting more beautiful all the time. :snoopy:

  11. JOJO says:

    RE: Shirley T
    Dont mean to overstep my boundries here, but Boomer disapeared several months ago, I am sure it was upsetting to many of the readers, I know it was to us, he was a most colorful little fella.

  12. kristen says:

    What a lovely room and fantastic color choices. Love the kitty curled up looking right at home.

    I’m so tickled for you and love seeing what you are doing with the grand old farmhouse.

    Enjoy the nice fire.

  13. Ms.Becky says:

    it’s a beautiful transformation in the works. looking very nice Suzanne. :hug: :hug: :hug:

  14. MousE says:

    I’m so happy for you and your family, Suzanne! I love your new house, and I thank you for taking us with you on your journey. You are an inspiration in determination and strength, and I love how the new paint colors look too! I’m glad you are happy. Seasons Greetings! I hope you have a loverly Christmas season!

  15. Runningtrails says:

    I love those Earthy colours! I still have to finish painting my house and we’ve lived here for four years! lol! I’m determined to get it done this winter!

  16. Chic says:

    What a sweet little farm house Suzanne…I LOVE the character and I love how you are making it YOUR OWN. It’s great to see how much fun you’re having and how happy you are. I look forward to seeing more as you progress. It’s been fun going back through your earlier posts…I think I still have a few more to get to the beginning of your new life. I’m happy for you!

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