Book Grab Bag #10 (Final!)


I’m giving away “grab bags” of my books–see here for the details.

Up for grabs today, grab bag #10!

For a chance to win: Leave a comment on this post and let me know you want it. One winner will be drawn by random comment number to receive a grab bag. Eligible entry cut-off is midnight Eastern (U.S.) time tonight (November 17). This post will be updated with the winner by 10 a.m. Eastern (U.S.) time tomorrow (November 18). Return to this post to claim your book if your name is drawn. This is THE LAST book grab bag giveaway!

UPDATE 11/18/11: The winning comment number, drawn by, is comment #10, Janis. Email me at [email protected] with your full name and address for shipping!



  1. NancyL says:

    I feel as though I’m knocking at the door of the Last Chance Saloon!!! Once more into the breach – yes, please, I want books!

  2. MousE says:

    Pick me! Pick me! :snoopy:

  3. jeninid says:

    Trying one last time to win my (errr, your lol) books! :wave:

  4. CharleneB says:

    Yes please add my name to the bucket! :happyfeet:

  5. lauren says:

    hoping I win πŸ™‚

  6. Cheryl LeMay says:

    Please enter me again. Thanks.

  7. Kathy in FL says:

    And I’m entering for the 10th time, too! Thanks.

  8. Erin F says:

    Fingers crossed that the 10th time is the charm!

  9. Janis says:

    Count #10 in for grab bag 10!

  10. Diane says:

    Here we go one last time!! Enter me into the book drawing. πŸ™‚

  11. Bonnie S. says:

    It could be me!!

  12. renee on the move says:

    Count me in.

  13. dfpanter says:

    Please count me in!! Merci! πŸ™‚

  14. Julia says:

    Once more time! Enter me, please.

  15. cartertl says:

    Please enter me in the drawing. Thank you!

  16. cat3466 says:

    oh no! My last chance! Pick me please!

  17. gingergoat says:

    Yes please.

  18. MalagaCove says:

    Okay, last chance huh?

    I’m in!

    Thanks Suzanne, for making this possible.


  19. WVgal4ever says:

    :happyfeet: I am ready to win! :happyfeet:

  20. Lana says:

    Please add my name for a chance to win your books – thanks!

  21. Miss Nellie says:

    Please include me.

  22. KnittySue says:

    Oh please add my name to the jar. Thanks for this giveaway

  23. doxie says:

    Pick me, Pick me!!! LOL I’d love to win. πŸ˜€

  24. WV Sue says:

    I’m throwing myself in again. Good luck everybody!

  25. Michele-lee says:

    Count me in!

  26. coastiemom says:

    Once again I am trying to win. :snoopy:

  27. Auntie Linda says:

    Going for the gold! This was so nice of you, Suzanne, and fun to boot.

  28. twoturkey says:

    Yes let’s try to get this lot of books one more time.
    Pick me…me ….me!
    Mrs. Turkey

  29. wickedgoodshari says:

    Here we go again!

    Thanks Suzanne, this was loads of fun and I hope your stash has been cleared away nicely!

  30. generalyak says:

    I want to win!!

  31. TwistedStitcher says:

    Would love to win this.


  32. Tow Lady says:

    This has been so much fun! Thanks, Suzanne, for all you do! Enter me, please!!!

  33. Laretta says:

    me again, but last time, promise πŸ™‚

  34. heidiannie says:

    Yes, one last chance.
    Well- nothing ventured, nothing gained! πŸ˜€
    Congrats and happy reading to all the winners!
    Maybe I will be one this time!

  35. Faith says:

    Count me in, please!

  36. haybug says:

    me m e me me pleeeze

  37. suziQ says:

    Let’s give it one more try, please! :cowsleep:

  38. dgkritch says:

    One more time, please enter me!

  39. denny144 says:

    Oh no, only one more chance.

  40. MelKilMD says:

    Please pick me!!!

  41. mommy6_1 says:

    Entering one last time. Please pick me.

  42. NancyD in NH says:

    X marks the spot!

  43. amysoup says:

    Please enter me!

  44. countrygirl221 says:

    Yes! Yes! Yes! Please enter me in Book Grab Bag #10. I have a long hard winter ahead of me and desperately need a great stash of reading material. so hoping to win! :snoopy:

  45. azladychef says:

    Last chance! Enter me please!!!
    Good luck everyone

  46. Grammie Cheryl says:

    I give up…not going to enter anymore….OK…since I’m here, I’ll try, one last time!!! πŸ™‚

  47. Beecie says:

    ALMOST…..the last winner’s name looked a lot like mine. Last chance…books please.

  48. mammaleigh says:

    Count me in! I would love to get these!

  49. daria says:

    Hope you pick me!

  50. okstormy says:

    Please pick me!!!

  51. DebbieInMemphis says:

    I’d love to win πŸ™‚

  52. paintdipper says:

    Yes please, add my name.

  53. gerryvoland says:

    Okay, that is the second time you drew the person either right in front of me or right behind me. Please draw me this time!

  54. kpbarnett says:

    :chicken: Trying again!

  55. mamacarpenter says:

    :heart: I would love some, Suzanne.

    Mama Carpenter, Arizona

  56. Ramona Slocum says:

    Please pick me.

  57. brookdale says:

    Last but not (hopefully!) least chance for ME to win the books! Please! And, thank you, Suzanne, for this incredible giveaway. Great way to clean out your storage area and make 10 people happy.

  58. CrystalGB says:

    Please count me in. πŸ™‚

  59. maryellen51 says:

    Okay, I’m back again, for another try at the books. I would love to have a Winter of good reading.

  60. Turtle Mom says:

    Sign me up, please! Thank you!!!

  61. cabynfevr says:

    Fingers crossed!!

  62. kelliemusic says:

    Last one. I hope I win this time:)

  63. Leaves of the fall says:

    add me, please!! but pickin’ me would be even better!! :wave:

  64. Butterbean says:

    Please pick me! I need some new reading material!

  65. AnnieB says:

    Let’s try one more time . . . would looooove to have some of your books Suzanne!

  66. seashore says:

    Please pick me! When finished reading the books, will share with Salvation Army and local women’s shelter.

  67. Dottie says:

    Please PLEASE enter me for the 10th. time.
    Would love to have some of your books to
    read Suzanne. Thank you for the fun and
    your generosity. Congrats to all the
    LUCKY Winners !!!

    P.S. If any of you lucky winners ever decide
    to clean up, organize, make space, or you
    know, your just looking for somewhere to
    put those books you’ve already read please
    send them to ME !!!

  68. grammyscraps says:

    ahhh…last chances. Some are lucky! Thanks again for the opportunity.

  69. Gem says:

    WHAT? I missed #9?
    Okay this must mean that #10 is MINE!
    (thank you πŸ™‚

  70. Blyss says:

    Last try… *fingers crossed*

  71. catslady says:

    Oh panic, panic – only one more chance :dancingmonster:

  72. PIXIEE16 says:

    I’ve enjoyed reading everything on your webpage and would love to read one of your books! Sign me up! Please and Thank you!!

  73. hoosiergal says:

    Enter me please. hoosiergal

  74. Merino Mama says:

    Add me once again as well, please. :sheep:

  75. Donna SoCal says:

    I hope I win!!! Haven’t been able to read in a while due to shingles {arrrghhhh!) ~ BUT…I’m getting new SPECTACLES in a couple of weeks and could use some good reading material.

  76. Lindsay says:

    Count me in again, please! :fairy:

  77. TW says:

    Last chance. Pick me! Thanks!

  78. mrsdmahogany says:

    Last time for lucky? Let’s hope so!


  79. quietstorm says:

    Please count me in! :sun:

  80. GaPeach says:

    I’m a last chance kinda girl…. please enter me again.

  81. Cassie says:

    Thanks for the giveaways!!! Please enter me.

  82. Candace in Maine says:

    Oh dear, my last chance. Let’s give it a try.

  83. Herbgirl79 says:

    Last chance!! I’ve always been a late bloomer!

  84. yvonnem says:

    Enter me again please, for the tenth time!

  85. jmac says:

    It’s been a marathon. . and now it’s over. LOL :snoopy: Did I win some books???

  86. Janb says:

    I would love to read your books!

  87. Shelly says:

    Please entry me!

  88. Leah says:

    Please pick me Lucky Leah!

  89. VictorianGirl says:

    Would love to win!

  90. marjohalleran says:

    Pick me pick me!! id love to win and love to read

  91. KateF says:

    enter me in πŸ™‚

  92. willsahna says:

    Okay, enter me one more time please!

  93. Peggy in KY says:

    I think I missed yesterday’s offer, so maybe I will be lucky today.

  94. StillyBee says:

    Last chance….last dance.. For the love of God pick me!! lmboooo

  95. Janet says:

    One more try!! Me please!!

  96. sourmilknightmares says:

    <—Loves books!

  97. twotravel says:

    Me me me me by random, πŸ˜€ :happypuppy:

  98. Claudia W says:

    I’m in again to try and get drawn to win some of your books! Thanks for the chance!

  99. Rainla says:

    Please enter me. πŸ™‚

  100. cheena says:

    Enter me. PLEASE!!!

  101. Murphala says:

    Right in under the wire! Count me in! :sheepjump: :sheepjump: :sheepjump:

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