Book Grab Bag #4


I’m giving away “grab bags” of my books–see here for the details.

Up for grabs today, grab bag #4!

For a chance to win: Leave a comment on this post and let me know you want it. One winner will be drawn by random comment number to receive a grab bag. Eligible entry cut-off is midnight Eastern (U.S.) time tonight (November 11). This post will be updated with the winner by 10 a.m. Eastern (U.S.) time tomorrow (November 12). Return to this post to claim your book if your name is drawn, and watch for more grab bags, multiple days in a row, until they’re gone.

And when they’re gone, they’re gone!

UPDATE 11/12/11: The winning comment number, drawn by, is comment #92, LisaAJB. Email me at [email protected] with your full name and address for shipping!



  1. Katharina says:

    Oh, YES, YEs! I would love to read your books.

  2. host says:

    Count me in, please! :fairy:

  3. Kathy in FL says:

    Count me in, too!

  4. aprilejoi says:

    Yes, I want it!

  5. cabighorse says:

    I’m feeling lucky… me, please

  6. Barbee says:

    Yes, enter me in the drawing.

  7. mammaleigh says:

    Would like to try this again! Count me in too!

  8. Yankee in NC says:

    Please let me be the lucky winner!!!!!

  9. twoturkey says:

    :snoopy: Yes enter me AGAIN! I would like to win so I could read your books.
    Mrs. Turkey

  10. GaPeach says:

    Enter me again too please!

  11. Diane says:

    Trying #4!!!! Would love to win your books. πŸ™‚


  12. coastiemom says:

    I want to be the winner! :duck:

  13. Murphala says:

    Fingers crossed this time! Please enter me!

  14. mikedee1986 says:

    I would LOVE to have the books! Pick me! :wave:

  15. brookdale says:

    Please enter me again…would LOVE to read some of your books!

  16. kelliemusic says:

    I would like to win:)

  17. Peggy in KY says:

    So nice of you to share another piece of you with us.

  18. CharleneB says:

    Oh yes, add my name to the “I want to win this grab bag of books!” list πŸ˜€

  19. Auntie Linda says:

    Please enter me again!

  20. DebbieInMemphis says:

    I’d love to win πŸ™‚

  21. WV Sue says:

    More great books to read!

  22. cat3466 says:

    Would love to win your books!

  23. tsmith says:

    Please enter me. Thank you!

  24. doxie says:

    Please enter me in the drawing, I’d love to read some of your books!! πŸ™‚

  25. Lindsay says:

    Count me in as well! :fairy:

  26. NancyD in NH says:

    4th time is a charm?

  27. MelKilMD says:

    Me, please and thank you…

  28. Laretta says:

    I want it…………please?

  29. wildcat says:

    Pick me!!! I want to read your books!!! :wave:

  30. Miss Nellie says:

    Please count me in.

  31. CrystalGB says:

    Count me in please. Have great weekend.

  32. Leaves of the fall says:

    I’d be glad to take those books off your hands…. :clover:

  33. Faith says:

    I’m hoping again! I mean, my odds are better than for the lottery, right?

  34. dgkritch says:

    Toss my name in again please!!!

  35. luvsclassics says:

    Please enter me in #4, thank-you! , :wave: I missed grab bag #3, Had to reset my password! πŸ˜₯

  36. Michele-lee says:

    Entering..thank you!

  37. Lana says:

    Please add my name to the list!!

  38. azladychef says:

    Ok, I’m ready for another try at those books!
    Thanks and have a blessed Veteran’s Day.

  39. Andrea.tat says:

    Please enter me again!

  40. daria says:

    I’d like to enter, thanks!

  41. gerryvoland says:

    Let’s try it again! Please enter me.

  42. suziQ says:

    I’d love to win some of your books! :wave:

  43. mommy6_1 says:

    Please computer randomly pick my name.

  44. marymac says:

    Please count me in!

  45. nld1959 says:

    Pick me!!! I LOVE to read! :woof:

  46. lauren says:

    Please include me too πŸ™‚

  47. maryellen51 says:

    Trying again, I would love to win a grab bag of your books.

  48. wickedgoodshari says:

    Oooh, the pressure is mounting!! Please include me.

  49. yvonnem says:

    Count me in again!

  50. Shelly says:

    Please Add Me :wave:

  51. WVgal4ever says:

    :duck: I think my number will be coming up :shimmy:

  52. cabynfevr says:

    Trying again!!

  53. kcu says:

    Count me in! Thanks

  54. Gem says:

    Okay. Really…you can PICK ME now!

  55. TW says:

    If you still have books, I’m still trying to win! Thanks!

  56. Bells says:

    Count me in for this one too:)

  57. HickChickBritt says:

    What I some how missed giveaway #3. Please enter me in this one!

  58. NancyL says:

    I would love to win your books!!!

  59. cindyinohio says:

    Please enter me in the book giveaway – 4th times the charm!

  60. jeninid says:

    Please enter me, I’d love to read your books! πŸ™‚

  61. Candace in Maine says:

    Please enter me for your books.

  62. hoosiergal says:

    Would loe to win and thanks for doing this. hoosiergal

  63. jeepdriver says:

    Please sign me up. I need something to do while waiting for my wool to dry. Thanks!

  64. Blyss says:

    Okay… LOL… fourth time is the charm! :sheep:

  65. AnnieB says:

    Oh yes, enter me, please . . . would love to have some of your books!

  66. catslady says:

    Hoping today will be my lucky day :yes:

  67. Dottie says:

    Want to read your books ! ! !
    SOOOOOOO BAD ! ! !
    Please enter me again.

  68. Ramona Slocum says:

    Please, draw my name. I’d love to own some of your books.
    MN Mona

  69. Herbgirl79 says:

    I’m waiting for my name to be drawn!

  70. hampgirl says:

    Enter me please

  71. Merino Mama says:

    Enter me in your drawing please! Did you get snow this morning? We had a skiff on the ground in Nicholas County.

  72. mommafox says:

    Can’t win if my name isn’t in the pot—-so, count me in. I’m feeling lucky!!!

  73. Turtle Mom says:

    I would love to win!

  74. grammyscraps says:

    Hoping the fourth entry will be a charm…thanks again.

  75. Leah says:

    I would like the books,thanks. :happyflower:

  76. LisaAJB says:

    Winner, winner, chicken dinner. Pick me please.

  77. KateF says:

    Enter me in suzanne! πŸ˜‰

  78. cheena says:

    Enter me, please.

  79. Hugh says:

    I’d love to have some of yours to read. Please.

  80. marrypoppinz says:

    want to win one

  81. maenya says:

    Count me in please!

  82. kpbarnett says:

    :dancingmonster: Trying again!

  83. Erin F says:

    Keeping my fingers crossed that I’ll win one! πŸ™‚

  84. Claudia W says:

    I would love a grab bag of your books! Thanks for putting me in the draw.

  85. Butterbean says:

    Pick me prety please!!!!!

  86. lberry says:

    Please enter me. I love to read.

  87. rainn says:

    :snoopy: :snoopy: In again please !!!! :sheepjump:

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