Make a Scented Trivet


I saw these scented trivets/hot pads in a shop somewhere when I took the kids Christmas shopping. We went to approximately 6,599 stores that day so I don’t remember where I saw it, but they were selling them for around $12. The pads were filled with various spices to release a delicious aroma when you put a hot pot on top. It’s such a simple concept, I knew I could make it myself for less with my own materials. I used fabric I’m planning to sew into another apron, but I have more than enough to spare a little for a trivet. I filled the trivet with bay leaves, cinnamon sticks, and cloves, but you could use any combination of herbs and spices you have on hand or saved from your garden. I had a lot of bay leaves, cinnamon sticks, and whole cloves, and have had them for some time, so I was happy to put them to good use.

You can make this in any size you want, but here’s how I made mine.

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How to make a Scented Trivet:

2 pieces of 11-inch square fabric
2 ounces whole cloves
2 ounces cinnamon sticks, broken
1/2 to 1 cup bay leaves
thread and yarn

Iron your fabric and cut, doubled, into an 11-inch square so that you have two 11-inch square pieces. Place pieces right sides together and pin.

Stitch all the way around, leaving a gap of about three to four inches. Turn right side out. Iron again. Fill with cloves, cinnamon sticks, and bay leaves.

Being careful to keep the filling materials away from the edges, topstitch about a quarter of an inch in all the way around, closing the gap as you go.

Using a yarn needle and coordinating yarn, pull short pieces of yarn through the fabric and knot.

I made five knots spaced evenly across the top.

If you use enough filling material, this makes a thick trivet, thick enough to protect your table surface from heat.

It’s a quick project–you can get a sense of satisfaction in about an hour. It’s cute and smells fabulous. And you still have your $12!


  1. bonita says:

    Suzanne,, Yep they’re cute, esp with tea cup fabric! Seen similar here. When I made these, I used a thin piece of batting as well. I place batting so the finished hot pad sandwich, from bottom to top, was fabric, batting, spices, fabric. This allows some of the larger, bulkier spices to ‘nestle’ in the batting. As a result, the tea pot had a more level surface to sit upon.

  2. Victoria says:

    I made something similar to give my mother in law for christmas a few years back, but I stitched corrugations in mine before stuffing the individual channels ( I should make a few more for next christmas, a few people commented on how much they liked the one I made. I’ve also seen small ones for sale, meant for resting a coffee mug on.

  3. Jayelle says:

    I used to make these but instead of spices I filled them with rice that I added scented oil to. I think I need to make some more and find a lovely teapot!

  4. Enjay says:

    I’d seen these a long time ago but had forgotten about them, thank you! I have some left over quilt blocks, I’m thinking quilt them to a backing, fold it over, sew up the sides and leave on open (buttons, velcro maybe?) and put the spiced in a bag inside so they can be removed for freshening and to wash the trivet. Thanks for the inspiration!

  5. Granny Trace says:

    :snoopy: cool idea!! wish I had one under my coffee mug right now. love the fabric too!!
    Granny Trace

  6. Myrna Mackenzie says:

    What a great idea! I can already smell the cinnamon (one of my favorite scents).

    Suzanne, sorry to bring this up again (I know someone else already mentioned it yesterday), but any news on why the calendar isn’t working? By mousing over the date on the calendar, I can see that I missed some of yesterday’s posts, but I can’t seem to get back to that day by clicking on the date (I get a “404-Not Found” error message).

  7. Anke says:

    That is such a great idea! They would make wonderful gifts! Gotta put that on my to do list…

  8. lavenderblue says:

    So cute. I love the fabric, it looks almost like a light denim weight. The teapots are perfect for a teapot hot pad.

    I was trying to think of what I could substitute for the bay leaves, ’cause I didn’t want to give mine up, but I really could use fresh ones. And my family gave me a new spice rack for Christmas. In it were some bay leaves that had been broken into little, tiny pieces. On purpose. At the factory. I don’t want to use those, the little spines in bay leaves would not be good in spaghetti sauce. But I think they’d work well in something like this, wouldn’t they?

  9. KaraLeigh says:

    This is super cute, and I actually haven’t seen them before. My 8 year old daughter is wanting to learn to sew, and I have been looking for projects that would be quite simple. I think this might be our project this week! Thanks, Suzanne! :sheep:

  10. CindyP says:

    Very cute, love the fabric!!! I have some that are filled with rice. May need some nice smelling ones πŸ™‚

  11. holstein woman says:

    Suzanne, these are wonderful bowl size or cup size. I love the idea and you have done a wonderful job.
    Can I make a sewing comment? Please, when you sew a corner turn your stitch length to a very small stitch like a 3, about 1/2″ before the corner (not small enough to ball up) and continue stitching almost to the corner. Instead of making a square on the corner, stitch 3 stitches across in a diagonal, turn up your stitch length again then stitch the other seamline. Do this on all of your corners. When you turn the fabric, before you press, clip that corner almost to nothing 1/8″ straight across. With the short stitches the seam will hold. When you turn the corners and press the corner won’t be stuffed looking and will be flattened. Your top stitching will stand out more if you use 2 threads in the one needle or a bigger thread. It will show up better.

  12. Linda Segerson says:

    Love this gift idea! I will making a lot of these in different sizes to give a gifts this year. I also like the idea of rice and scented oils by Jayelle…..Thanks!

  13. mom2girls says:

    great idea! i just got a great second hand sewing machine for christmas and i am itching for a good beginner project:)

  14. Marlena says:

    πŸ˜€ Love the idea!
    On a separate thought, is there a way that when we click on links on your site that they will open in a separate window rather that navigate us away from your page. When you put a link somewhere or someone does in the comments, I find myself not wanting to hit the link because I’m going to leave your page and I’m not done reading or haven’t gone to all the pages (and do you really want to navigate people away from your site πŸ˜€ )

    • Suzanne McMinn says:

      I think if you right-click that it opens a new window instead of navigating away, in most browsers. Maybe someone else can come after me and explain that better. It’s something you can do any time on any site where you want the page to open in a new window.

  15. ChicagoGal4Ever says:

    I am new to making things from scratch from food to cleaning supplies. I was just thinking that I would like to learn how to sew and that looks so cute and simple. First,I need to learn how to thread a needle! LOL

  16. M.J. says:

    I like this idea–it seems perfect for a cold winter day when one is feeling just crafty enough for a short project.
    But mostly I LOVE. THAT. TEAPOT.
    When I was growing up, I never could understand my mother’s fondness for floral fabrics and china. I thought they looked wimpy and waaay to feminine. But as I’ve aged, I’ve begun to appreciate their loveliness. That teapot is a just beautiful!

  17. Ramona says:

    Neat, neat, neat. I like it! And I have my sewing machine out right now so I need to do some.

  18. Merlin says:

    This is awesome… just another thing to add to my looooong list of craft projects to do in addition to quilting! lol…

  19. Michelle says:

    Am I the only one coveting that teapot???

  20. CherShots says:

    Mmm.. I can smell it already! I’ve seen these around but also knew I could make them for much less ~ however I still haven’t done so. lol

  21. DonnaTN says:

    What a neat idea and you make it sound so simple! Thanks for another great crafting idea.

  22. Nik says:

    You’re funny ;D I just finished reading this post and the one where you’re at the “knitting spa” learning to knit…and trying to purl. That made me laugh. I found you through a friend who was showing me a link to your trivets. I love tea, and this would be the perfect thing for her to make me.

  23. Joy says:

    These are absolutely adorable and sell very well at church bazaars or craft fairs depending on the fabrics & colors you choose. Look around at the current colors of kitchen curtains, tablecloths, etc. for ideas. Making them about 5 inches by 5 inches and quilting them in a heart shape with contrasting thread with floral scents make marvelous Valentine’s gifts.

    Toiles are usually popular and vintage fabrics or designs sell well. A set of these for a teapot and 4 mugs are popular. I’ve seen these stuffed with rice and spices, lavender and herbs, crushed shells, very fine gravel, or millet. Whatever is cheaply available to act as insulation and mix with your herbs or with scented oil. I’ve seen some very fine ones made with beautiful fabrics that were intricately quilted and absolutely gorgeous–almost too pretty to use. Ribbon edging, using thin ribbon instead of yarn for spot quilting, whatever you have around and are currently interested in working with. Great project, Suzanne.

  24. brookdale says:

    Great project, Suzanne…AND, I love your teapot! Is it a family heirloom?

  25. B. Ruth says:

    Hey Suzanne,

    I like the scented trivets….but I love the Chintz Teapot…
    Don’t make a cozy to cover it up….it’s beautiful….

  26. LisaAJB says:

    I’m going to try and make as many Christmas presents as I can next year. I felt really consumerist this year. These look like a great stocking stuffer for the women in my life.

  27. claudia w says:

    I love that fabric for the Scented Trivet you made. It’s such a cute idea. I saw some scented trivets that were made up of fabric that had been cut and sewn into one inch wide tubes. (Probaby about three/four feet long, filled with an herb or spice and then coiled and sewn together. It was cute, but I sure like your idea better. Simply, because it is a simple pattern and it wouldn’t hurt to make a few of these at a time!

  28. Jessica says:

    Marlena, I click on links with the mouse wheel (scroll) button that is located between the left and right clickers. You can also hold down Ctrl or Shift and click the link.

    I love the trivet! I so need to make some of these for gifts. And one for me too! I think they’d make a great *anytime* gift. Like a last minute *I didn’t know (or forgot) it was your bday* gift or a gift to bring when someone invites you to dinner, since I don’t like to make visits empty handed. πŸ˜‰

  29. Clarissa says:

    I love the scented trivet as well as the teapot on top. This seems to be a very nice and easy to follow project. Thank you, Suzanne! I have one question, though: What are the knots for? So that the spices do not move around too much?

  30. Clarissa says:

    Thank you πŸ˜€

  31. Pat says:

    Love this idea…easy to follow…thank you…

  32. Busyellebee says:

    This is a great idea, I shall make one, when I find some suitable fabric from my ever increasing stash! Will let you know how I get on πŸ™‚

  33. Karen Patrick says:

    I have this same teapot. My daughter-in-law got it for me for Christmas a few years ago from an Amish food store in Northern Indiana where they live. I also received 4 teacups and saucers. I love it. It makes me want to drink hot tea whether I am really in the mood for it or not.

  34. Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage says:

    Oh this looks like a great idea!
    Thanks for sharing. And what a beautiful teapot!

  35. Linda Ferguson says:

    I take rice and mix it with scented oil and to fill my hot pads. Works pretty good and is pretty cheap!!

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