Second First Day


Today is the first day of my second spring at Sassafras Farm. Last spring was the start of more projects than I can believe were completed in one year. New fencing was installed. Old fencing was repaired and reinforced. Shelters and feeders, barn roof re-coating, a chicken house, and more. (Not to mention the studio!)
Sometimes there were so many people working out here every day, I felt like I was living at Grand Central Station instead of a farm in the country.
Things are much quieter this spring, and I like it that way. This spring is a time to enjoy wooly sheep behinds.
Pastures ready to burst with new grass, and horses who were only dreams a year ago.
Two livestock guardians playing in the field.
A Coco hug from a dog that was in the animal hospital this time last spring.
A healthy, growing calf that was but a twinkle in my eye before.
And a secure sense of place and home for myself and my children.
It is too cold to be the first day of spring, but my heart here is warm and content and….home.


  1. KellyWalkerStudios says:

    Congrats! It’s good to be you today. 🙂

  2. brookdale says:

    Happy First Day of Spring! I love all your pictures, especially the first and last ones. It looks really homey there. I can see why you love it so. And all the animals look very contented and happy too.
    Are you going to have a veg. garden this year?

  3. Stick Horse Cowgirls says:

    Love your farm, Suzanne! Can’t wait to see what the coming year brings!
    Cowgirl V

  4. mds9 says:

    Nice photographs.

  5. Luv2Quilt says:

    Happy Spring. Great pictures. What a difference a year makes.


  6. marrypoppinz says:

    well said!

  7. jodiezoeller says:

    Happy Spring to you, the kids, the dogs, the cats, the horses, the cows & calf, the goats and goat babies, the sheep, the chickens and any other animal I’ve forgotten. It’s definitely Spring in Texas, today is forecast to be 70 degrees here in Dallas.

  8. joykenn says:

    Wow! What a difference you’ve made in the farm in just one year. Check out pictures of the barn from last year. Major capital improvements in so many places. By the time this fall when those fruit trees bring forth a few first fruits and your new book comes out you’ll be ready to “bust your buttons” with pride as you take it all in. You go girl! :snoopy:

  9. Ronni says:

    Wow , it’s been a year ? Time is passing so fast it seems like just a few months ago. You ceratinly have been busy making this place a wonderful home , looks so welcoming & full of life & love.I started reading your blog a few months before the big move, was wondering if you were totally nuts for living such a life. You captivated me with the first day of reading back blogs to see what you were about. Since then I have my routine down pat & so do my dogs… out to do what ever they do in the morning… Mom gets coffee… down to thee lower level to feed dogs & birds … sit back with cup of coffee & hope there is a posting & photos to start my day.Looking forward to the weather change so we can see the farm bloom with whatever surprises you have up your sleeve for us all. :sun:

  10. bonita says:

    Da book, Da book! Remember you also wrote/sold a book whilst building a farm and a home and a new life (phew).

    Might you ask the kids this weekend if they still feel “You brought us here to die?”

  11. holstein woman says:

    Suzanne, what beauty you have brought to that place, and yes, love, care, freedom and on and on. I know how you feel about the accomplishments you have done. Whew is right, I was amazed you got it done. I have a request, however, would you please post some photos of the new orchard and tell us exactly where it is even though the trees are NOT in fruit, but surely they are in bloom. THANKS MUCH lovely woman farmer. HAPPY SPRING

  12. ibpallets (Sharon B.) says:

    Your last sentence says it all! You are an inspiration to women!

  13. quietstorm says:

    :yes: beautiful…

  14. whaledancer says:

    You’ve had such a full year, I’m glad you have a chance to enjoy the fruits of all that labor.

  15. barbicakes says:

    You have been busy.
    The first time I ready your blog was a number of years ago and marveled at the little house and your story and then here you are. Hills and Valleys.
    Commenting is fairly new to me here, mostly due to the fact I’ve remembered my password. 😀
    Sounds like a mini celebration is in order.

  16. Della says:

    I am so happy for you, all that work. It has paid off in so many ways.
    You can read and feel the joy as you post.

    HAPPY SPRING # 2 :sun:

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