How Does My Winter Garden Grow?


I’ve had several inquiries as to how my little garden of hope is doing. It’s still alive! And sprouting! Yet looking a bit forlorn, leggy, and neglected. We’re having a slight thaw so I took the herbs outside to the porch bannister for a bit of natural light yesterday. (Do you SEE that green down there? First time I’ve seen green on the ground in a month.)

The above story regarding the herbs should be spoken in the past tense, to be honest.

Not long after I took the herbs outside…..

….SOMEONE…. I don’t think I need to say who.


…knocked the herbs off the porch and down to the goat yard….

….where everyone had a nice snack.

Clover: “Herb salad is almost as good as cookies. Next time, add sugar.”

I told you those herbs were doomed.


  1. Mandy says:

    Oh dear! Whenever I try to grow something my dog either tears it out or the cats decide it’s their dinner!
    At least you kept them alive for a while ๐Ÿ™‚

    this is my first time commenting here, so I’ll say Hi too, I’ve being reading for a week or two now and really am enjoying it!


  2. skippymom says:

    Well, at least you will know not to do that again. What a heartbreak. Darn animules.

    Sorry for your loss.

  3. Sara says:

    Oh dear……….well there is still time to restart befor they can be transplanted to the out side………..

  4. Box Call says:

    That darn cat.

  5. Box Call says:

    Wondering about the pigs and what are your goals for the farm this year?

  6. Sheila Z says:

    You know you’re in trouble when the cat and the goats are into organized crime.

  7. trish says:

    I have a black and white cat also. They are nothing but trouble. lol

  8. carol says:

    Sorry to hear about the Herb Disaster, Suzanne. Your post about getting them and all made me want some also so yesterday, while at Michaels getting Baby Shower stuff, I found little tiny clay pots (like just 2 inches tall and maybe 1.5 inches across) with herbs and dirt in them for a buck a piece. I bought some chives and some basil. Going to get them started today. And put them on the balcony rail…and pray that the birds at the feeders don’t do something to them. Like eat them when they sprout!
    That cat sure looks guilty. And Clover looks…self-entitled.That goat is just uppity.

  9. CindyP says:

    My dad used to call every cat we ever owned DC — Damn Cat!! LOL!!

    Well, you cannot report that YOU killed these plants…it was all part of the conspiracy that continues between the cats and the goats! And they were looking soooo good, too. Try again……just get some seeds and put them in your seed starters….most herbs are very forgiving (well not against goats!).

  10. Diane says:

    Darn cat. My cat loves to knock stuff off the table. He is not allowed on the table either. But if he sneaks up there and somthing is in his way in order to nap he will kick it off with his feet.

  11. Johanna says:

    I always say, start the garden disasters early in the year. By the time the actual growing season comes around, you might have used up your bad karma and the good can take over!

  12. KateS says:

    I’m listening to the radio show now. Must say – you interview well!!! :snoopy:

  13. Sarah says:

    Oh! I laughed and I had tears in my eyes. I DEFINITELY know how THAT works. Between dogs, cats, kids and chickens on my porch, NOTHING is safe. :hug:

  14. Chic says:

    OH NO!!! Oh well…you gave it a good try and you were trying to do something nice for the herbs when it happened so you can be proud of your effort. I think the cat and goats had a plan though….

  15. claudia w says:

    I can’t blame my herb disasters on my cat. They are all my fault.
    That’s a shame, but what can you do with animals who like to conspire?

  16. shirley says:

    Spice is mad at you for not letting the crooked little hen live in your house.

  17. Runningtrails - Sheryl says:

    Oh no! and they were dong so well!
    You can’t give up, you know. You have to plant more.

  18. Debnfla3 says:

    Oh no! There’s still time to start some more.
    My black/white cat is always getting into trouble too! She doesn’t even keep the squirrels out of my pots that I root rose cutting in…darn cat!


  19. Joycee says:

    I lost my little herb garden to the Rascal Squirrels that stake claim to everything on GrannyMountain! It’s a battle every Spring to get anything planted around here!

  20. KentuckyFarmGirl says:

    Sounds like something that would happen to me!

  21. Dianna McBride says:

    I’m really sorry for your loss of the herb garden of hope, but it did make for a cute post this morning! ๐Ÿ˜‰ Maybe you can try again and just leave them in the house instead of out on the porch rail.

  22. NorthCountryGirl says:

    My cats eat anything that’s green. I have to hide my plants or put them up close to the ceiling or the cats have salad! I can relate.

  23. Lynda Dunham-Watkins says:

    Glad you got a picture of them before they became salad!

  24. ChrisUK says:

    I only have a roof gardens.No cats thank goodness,but its surprizing what birds will eat,so its netted.It also does away with slugs and snails,greenfly/blackfly and other creepies.
    I really think you should consider a series of farmyard stories for children Suzanne. You have so many funny and interesting tales to relate.
    Re. Pigs,see my post “Eureka” in the forum!!!! might solve another problem ๐Ÿ˜†

  25. kerri says:

    I was so pleased to see your little sprouts green and growing….and then…oh dear! Spice is a troublemaker for sure! Yet she looks so innocent ๐Ÿ™‚ I wonder what incentive Clover offered.
    I hope you’ll start more herbs.
    My hubby and I listened to a little of your interview but then it was cut off by some annoying pop-up claiming my computer was crawling with trojans, spyware, etc. I’ve seen it a few times before. It’s a scare tactic ad trying to sell a security program and impossible to get rid of without closing the window.
    I didn’t want to mess with the website again so didn’t go back, (plus the intro was so long!) but we were sorry not to hear the whole interview. It was great to hear your voice on the little we heard though ๐Ÿ™‚

  26. SuseM says:

    I think the Mean Rooster’s spirit has taken up residence in Spice! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ cat!

  27. SuseM says:

    Darn cat! ๐Ÿ™‚

  28. Susan at Charm of the Carolines says:

    If the cat didn’t destroy it, they may not have made it to maturity anyway. At my house, I forget to water, then I overwater. What doesn’t shrivel up and die grows mold. It’s not pretty. Spring will be here soon enough.


  29. Claudia says:

    Oh No!….. start over! :sun: I have a few of those DC’s myself.

  30. Jessica says:

    Oh no! But they sure looked lovely before their demise. I should be planting some things too, but with three cats and two under 10 year olds I’m not too sure.

  31. Lauren says:

    AHAHAHA that is so funny-slash-sad ๐Ÿ™ Good luck with your future herb gardens. I absolutely LOVE your blog! As a city girl trying to keep up her urban chicken farm, it’s super fun living vicariously through your life off the hard road! Thanks for all the fun stories and pictures ๐Ÿ™‚

  32. Miss Becky says:

    oh, thanks for my first belly laugh of the day. I love Clover’s face in that photo where she is looking up at you, caught in the act with the evidence right there at her feet. And Spice, well, that was to be expected don’t you think? :heart:

  33. Lola-Dawn says:

    i thought you were going to say the CAT had a snack! We used to have a Persian cat that snacked on green things … she was especially fond of little Avocado stems and leaves and Aloe Vera plants of any size, but would happily munch most any green herb. Cats, eh? Better luck with the next planting!

  34. Barbee' says:

    Oh, NO! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ The critters dashed (crashed) your hopes for herbs. OK, here’s the challenge: we have to think up some way to be smarter than the critters while getting herbs going again. Next time, could it be placed in/on a little hammock or swing suspended from the top high enough that cats can’t reach – or hanging baskets that can be taken indoors at night. Of course, they would need to be covered with a poof of chicken wire, or nylon net, or something to keep birds from eating them. Enjoyed your radio interview. We heard the whole thing. My husband in his chair across the room said, “Turn it up so I can hear it, too.” It was a nice interview, good for you!

  35. Ms E says:

    Just accept it – the fur babies are in charge!!

  36. catslady says:

    And I thought cats were graceful. This summer I had a pot garden and had all types of containers on my wall. Unfortunately they didn’t always make it when they were trying to jump over them. Lost radishes, cucumbers and lettuce. Live and learn lol.

  37. Celia says:

    Loved the interview, Suzanne! You are just so smart and funny…coarse we all already knew that. :yes:

    Can’t wait until the future adventure with milking cows! And it’s hard to be angry when those sweet faces look up at you. Luckily it’s not too late to start over with the herbs… ๐Ÿ˜†

  38. Estella says:

    Sorry about the herbs—–still time to start them over.

  39. Shannon says:

    I just looked at your little weather thingy there to the right and its 51 where you are!!! Holy wow!Lucky girl! will it stay like that now or are you still in for some more winter….I love wisconsin but I am so jealous!

  40. Jenn says:

    Oh no! Bad kitty! Hope you get some more seeds started soon! We’re not seeing much green here in KS either!
    Glad to “meet” your blog via netwoked blogs!

  41. Lynette says:

    Looks like your “staff” took a long lunch! :hungry: This post made me laugh today. Sorry for your loss. ๐Ÿ˜•

  42. Yvonne M. says:

    I too listened to your interview “live” last evening, it was great!

    I wanted you to know that you have inspired me to start baking! So far I’ve made the cheddar bay biscuits, surprise cookies, snickerdoodles, chocolate pudding cake (brownies next) AND today I made the Pie with Beef and Italian Peppers – it was awesome! (I couldn’t find the ‘medium hot’ peppers and had to get hot, but believe me they are NOT hot at all.) My hubby loved it – Thank you, and Bee, for posting the recipe.

    I’ve not tried bread yet, but you never know….I work away from home during the day, but I need to keep busy during the evenings and weekends during the winter months when I can’t get out and enjoy warm sunshine. :sun: Oh how I miss summer!

    Take care and a speedy recovery to Morgan’s broken foot. :shocked:

  43. debbie says:

    Oh, that looks just like home. Except I don’t have goats, just more rotten cats. And somebody in the comments mentioned sweet faces looking up at you. Those are just about the guiltiest “sweet faces” ever I did see.

    Thanks for the interview link, just a couple more things to do around the house and then I will give it a try.

  44. Kelly Hamilton says:

    I did it! I discovered your amazing website several days ago and tonight, I can say… I think I have read every single post… You made me smile, giggle, laugh-out-loud, and tear up. What an amazing journey you are taking (and so gracious to share)! You have encouraged me in my own goat endevours… You’re awesome!

  45. YayaOrchid says:

    You’ve totally made me smile and made my day. You were born to write and I thank you!

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