Calling Johnny Pie-seed


This is my pie garden.

This is my pie garden full of dirt.

This is my pie garden with no ground cherry and garden huckleberry seeds planted. Just a little corner of mint that didn’t want to move out.

I do have a fence around it (just like I have for my herb garden) and a gate to keep out the chickens. But no seeds in the ground.

Seems everybody thought everybody else was planting the seeds this weekend. It was really disappointing when everybody else didn’t do that. I suppose I could just go plant them myself right now, but I actually don’t know where the seeds are. I could ask, but….

A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

List of Excuses

I don’t know where the seeds are.

If I did know where the seeds are, I don’t know how deep they should be planted.

I milk a cow. Isn’t that enough?

I have to can.

I have to make cheese.

I need to paint the downstairs.

I need to sit in the creek with a glass of wine.

It’s hot.

Whiny people aren’t allowed to plant stuff. There’s no whining in gardening!

I’m pretty sure that last one has me totally disqualified. Whew. Look how many excuses I had to make before I came up with the right one!

Well, shoot, look what I found.

And everybody else did do everything else–put up the fence, prepare the soil, pull out most of the mint. Are you going to do ANYTHING, Suzanne?! (I was going to bake the pies….!!)

So I planted them, not too deep, just brushed some soil over them. And I had to beat off the Crooked Little Hen with a broom when she came in before I could shut the gate. I spread the seeds randomly all around in there. Didn’t leave myself a path to harvest. I’ll probably be sorry about that later.

I’m sure the pies will make up for it.

Ground cherries and garden huckleberries are both sweet little fruits that can be used in all the same ways you’d use blackberries, blueberries, and other berries–for jams, jellies, pies, and more. Best of all, you can have a good harvest the first year–while you’re waiting for your other fruit trees and bushes to mature.

And look–original plan from last fall:

The herb garden and pie garden dream come true today:


  1. kj says:

    I am always so amazed at the amount of fencing you need around everything. Darn animals!

  2. Barbee says:

    I think you and ‘somebody’ have gotten a lot done. Before you know it, you will be having another pie-day.

  3. Granny Trace says:

    :sun: Good for you..However I have my very own list of excuses.
    I like to chase my critters with my tractor..Is that a bad thing?
    Granny Trace

  4. mamajhk says:

    Loved the list.

    Granny Trace “Go Granny Go” :wave:

  5. prayingpup says:

    We have blackberry bushes out in the field . . . in the TALL grass! Guess who WON’T go out in the tall grass to get blackberries? My HUSBAND! He’s afraid of snakes . . . . I guess I don’t blame him – but, BLACKBERRIES, people! I NEED a pie garden – a no snake one!

  6. Miss Judy says:

    I guess I knew there was no whining in the garden…I forgot. Someone told me that way back in the 60’s. I think I recall…”If you don’t stop that whining, I’ll give you something to whine about!”

  7. BethAnn says:

    Hi Suzanne!
    I tried to comment yesterday (and today just to check again) on your cooking BBB post and says it requires one to register and log in in order to comment. I am registered and logged in, but it just refreshed the page and I still wasn’t able to comment. Any ideas?? It was just a big circle taking me back to where I was. My user name is BethAnn and I’m pretty sure I have my password right because I entered the wrong one first and then the right one and that’s what took me back to cooking post. When I tried to re-register again, it told me my user name and password were already being used.

  8. Sue, a Florida Farm Girl says:

    Oh, Miss Judy!!! Your mother and mine must have been friends, cause they used the same words!!!!!!! But sometimes, you just gotta whine a little bit, people. So, go ahead, make today your whine day.

  9. Runningtrails says:

    Sometimes you just gotta whine. 🙂

    Your pie garden looks good! Those seeds will grow in a couple of weeks, after they get some water. Mine are up already, but still just tiny, tiny. I stared some of the ground cherries indoors early and they are doing well. Both will produce lots of fruit, I’m sure – this year and next year too, if you leave any fruit in there on the ground. I hoed the ground cherry reseeds from the now tomato garden today. I planted the ground cherries elsewhere this year.

    Next year I’m starting them indoors even earlier…

    Are you going to plant anything else in your pie garden?

  10. mamajhk says:

    I heard the saying when I was growing up and I think I even said it a time or two when my kids were growing up.

    prayingpup: I agree with you husband regarding the snakes. We used to go pick blackberries at my great uncles’ They grew wild and they were really thorny and buggy (mosquitoes, ticks, etc) but oh was the jelly good. That is the only way I like them.

  11. lavenderblue says:

    The pie garden and the herb garden together, that’s kind of practical. Now you need some stevia in the herb garden so you can sweeten the pies. Or bees; bees like herbs. Bees make sweet stuff. Bees make stuff sweet. Is there such a thing as “Honey Pie”?

  12. mtnmedx says:

    Wow, Suzanne, my ground cherry seeds look very different from yours. Maybe that explains why my plants don’t look like the ground cherries of my childhood??? I bought these from a “reputable” online plant place. Hmmmmm. I guess I need to look into this!

  13. ginakenney1 says:

    Hi Suzanne! Do you get your seeds for these somewhere locally or online? Also, do you replant the seeds each spring or do yours come back and reseed themselves?

    I’m so excited about a pie garden. We have a big yard complete with a blinking blue swimming pool taking up most of the sunny area (my husband’s pride and joy ugh!). I cram my little garden full but might find some space for a “pie bed”. You plant these two together in the same area, right?

    Thanks for the info! Last year I grew tromboncino squash for the first time. Fun although the groundhogs ate every single one (fencing this year for sure)! Next year I’m trying a pie bed AND tromboncino again!

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