Finding Spring


Winter is so exhausted, poor thing. She hasn’t been able to do any work at all the past few days. Temperatures have been misbehaving all over the place without her supervision, rising to the 60s and even 70s around here. I sense Spring in the air. She’s here, hiding, afraid to rile Winter into a final burst of energy.

I understand Spring’s hesitation. Winter can be brutal–but she is also tired, very tired, and I know what I have to do. I have to find Spring in her secret places and coax her into courage.

I take my little lambkin with me. Spring will like her and want to come out to see her!

Annabelle bounces down the steps while Coco gazes longingly from the porch gates.
Poor Giant Puppy. Annabelle is very good about sticking by my side when I take her out. Coco is also good about staying around the farm, but she does like to run and play in the woods. I’m afraid her exuberance might get the best of her and she might chase her little lambkin if I take them out together since I’m planning to take Annabelle on a long walk. The Giant Puppy might even scare Spring!

We go down, down the driveway. Annabelle stops to admire the river far below. She’s never seen a river before!
Then we reach the meadow. Look! Here’s a creek!
Here’s stuff growing on the ground!
And here are leaves! Who knew there was such fun in the world!
But don’t forget why we’re here, little lamb. We’re here for Spring……. And I think I’ve found her!
Spring, you are so beautiful! Come join us! We love you, Spring! Don’t we, Annabelle?

Annabelle: “Wait for me, maa-maa!”

Poor baby. She got so excited about the creek and the leaves and neat stuff growing on the ground, she almost lost sight of me.

We’d better go back to the house. I clip a bit of Spring to take with me. I’ll bring Spring inside, where she can’t get away!
The Giant Puppy is waiting for us.
I show her my Spring. “Look, Coco! We found Spring! Annabelle, tell her.”

But Annabelle is too tuckered from her long walk to do anything but curl up on her blankie.
The Giant Puppy is tuckered, too. It’s hard being left behind.
And so I go inside.
Spring and I have a lot to talk about it.


  1. maryann says:

    Nope until the branches of the Forthisia bush turn yellow we know that winter is not going away yet.

  2. Runningtrails - Sheryl says:

    Annabelle and Coco are just too cute! Both of them! I love reading your posts.

  3. CindyP says:

    A beautiful walk….with a very beautiful find!! :clover:

    I saw a show the other night about a sheep farmer….when they had bum lambs, they would put them on the goats to milk…..after they were weaned, the farmer would try to put them back out to the sheep herd and quite a few came back to the goat herd…THEY THOUGHT THEY WERE GOATS!! All I’ve thought about since is Annabelle thinking she is a DOG!!! :woof:

  4. Gail says:

    Signs of spring…ah, can’t wait. You are so not going to be able to put Annabelle in with the herd! She is too bonded with people and Coco! When is Clover coming home? I miss her!

  5. Kathryn says:

    Oh, my gosh! That picture of Annabelle running toward you is priceless! I never knew sheep could smile! :sheep:

    Our forsythia is blooming at the bottom, and the rest should open out to day. It’s planted on the south side of a hill so it can be protected. I know we cheated, but winters here are very nasty! Our early daffs are in bloom, trees are budded out, a saucer magnolia may very well burst today, and it is going to be in the low 20’s by the end of the week. Grrrrr.

  6. Jan @ Greensboro Daily Photo says:

    This post would make a precious children’s book!

  7. Barbee' says:

    What a precious post! Thank you so much for the words and pictures!

  8. Lovin a Farmboy says:

    Oh! I so need an Annabelle of my very own! I even blogged about how adorable she is! :sheep:

  9. IowaDeb says:

    What better sign of Spring than a frolicking lamb!

  10. Linda says:

    I love the pic of Annabelle coming toward you. Glad you found spring.

  11. Nancy in Atlanta says:

    “…and everywhere that Suzanne went, the lamb was sure to go!” Your post brought the nursery rhyme to my head and I can’t get rid of it! What a beautiful story…but oh, poor Coco!!!

  12. trish says:

    Poor sad Coco. He wanted to frolic with spring and Anabelle. She is just the cutest baby ever!!!

  13. Treasia/TruckersWife says:

    Annabelle is just the absolute cutest little thing. :sheep: I thought it adorable that you wrote things about the river the way you did.

    Spring is just around the corner here. Temps have been in the 70’s all week. It is beautiful.

  14. catslady says:

    Jan beat me to it – that was a complete picture book in itself!!! Seriously, small kids would love it (and mothers too) :sheep:

    I saw the most gastly show the other day. I usually love Dirty Jobs but this one was about castrating baby lambs :shocked: :shocked: :shocked: :shocked: :shocked:

  15. Gwen says:

    Spring had definately started here.
    I went into our garden today, to clear it up, and discoverd so many buts, it is just wonderfull.
    Also the sun was shining the whole day, it made me feel as if coming alive again.
    I cannot wait to start planting and getting some colour in my garden, but i have to.
    So i consoled myself with the latest advertisingfolders about new plants and stuff for the garden.
    OOO my itching hands hahaha


  16. SuzieQ says:

    Darling sweet she is..AND Coco, too!! :sheep: :woof:

  17. jean says:

    That photo of Annabelle was adorable and said it all. Don’t you ever leave her again. Next time you’ll need to take Coco, she would have known what to do when down by the creek.

  18. Susan says:

    Don’t get upset with me, but who needs Spring when you have Annabelle and Coco around! :happyflower:

  19. belgin says:

    I loved the “wait for me” photo mostly… Beautiful !

  20. Suzette says:

    Is there some sort of pixie dust we can sprinkle on Annabelle so she stays this cute forever? I don’t want her to grow up and become a sheep! She’s just such an adorable little lambie pie.

  21. Tori Lennox says:

    I want to hug and squeeze Annabelle so much!!!

  22. Ellen says:

    Your photos are just beautiful.

  23. Melissa Marsh says:

    This is exactly what I needed today, Suzanne. Gorgeous pictures! I want an Annabelle, too! (And a giant puppy!).

  24. Kacey says:

    That lamb is just about the cutest darn thing I have EVER seen!!

  25. Joanne says:

    that was so sweet…send some spring this wany o.k.?

  26. Amber says:

    The animals on your farm are the cutest critters ever!!

  27. Brandy says:

    Poor Coco, left behind. *G* Annabelle is absolutely adorable! And we have Spring here for a bit as well. My weeping willow trees are trying to sprout their pretty leaves again.

  28. Sue Morton says:

    Oh wow, you not only captured these pictures brilliantly, but the story you’ve written along with it is perfect. Great work, I really enjoy your blog.

  29. elizabeth says:

    the sweetest pictures and story. you’re great

  30. deb stone says:

    You took a lamb for a walk. I am completely jealous. That is just too much for me. She stayed right with you?
    Thanks for sharing
    Ownr of 2 beagles who would ditch me in a heartbeat

  31. Kelly says:

    Finding Spring !!!
    Looks like a children’s book to me .
    Infant , pre-school , picture or board book .
    Subjects : Spring, lambs, farms , country, nature . :sheep:

  32. Christine says:

    This reminds me so much of my sheep. When my neighbor passed away they gave me her two sheep. I would go hiking up the road, through the fields, into the woods and no matter what those two sheep (who ran loose on the farm) would tag along. I miss them.

  33. Jessimoos says:

    One of my favorite posts… oldie but goodie; :sheep: I just adore Annabelle and Coco (Ms. Giant Puppy). She reminds me SO much of my mother’s dog, Sadie, such a sweetie.

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