I’ve been getting all dirty working hard on CITR!
I’ve made a couple of minor changes here and want to give you a quick run-down in case you’re wondering where anything is! Nothing’s gone anywhere, but you may notice there is a new House & Garden section. The new House & Garden section is a consolidation of my formerly separate Crafts and Garden sections. I decided to streamline these sections into one for a few reasons. One being that I hardly ever garden in the winter. But mostly because sometimes I have agonizing (seriously! agonizing!) trouble deciding where to put a post. If I walk into the woods and make a wintry bouquet–is that a Craft post or a Garden post? If I spray paint a coffee can to make a coffee can flower pot–is that a Craft post or a Garden post? And then! Oh yes, then. What if I talk about renovating the downstairs or decluttering? That’s not even a craft at all! (And it’s certainly not gardening.) And so I had a lightbulb moment and determined I would be much less agonized if I made a House & Garden section because that sounds so all-encompassing of both crafts and the home plus I don’t ever have to decide if something is a craft project or a gardening project. Whew. I feel so much better now!
You can find the new House & Garden section from the top menu. You can find the House & Garden Archives here.
In other news! I have also added a sub-menu to the CITR header to help you find things more easily. I have been listening to you and what you are looking for. I don’t want you to be frustrated! I know how that feels! (See above angst re the Crafts and Garden sections.) From the new sub-menu, you can easily find:
Events and the CITR Retreat 2011 information. You can also find out about Farm Stays, Day Workshops, and the Party on the Farm from the main Events page. (Yes, I have determined that what I want to do are farm stays, not a bed & breakfast. From a regulations standpoint, this is much simpler, and it’s also what I had in mind. I don’t want to be “open” for a B&B 365 days a year. Farm stays, yes!)
Prints. This button will take you to my Smugmug site where you can check out my available prints and free desktop wallpaper.
Sponsor. Find out all the ways you can sponsor CITR, if you are so inclined. Take out an ad in the monthly newsletter, sponsor a Ball Blue Book, or sponsor door prizes or swag bag goodies for the CITR Retreat 2011. Get the details here.
Interjecting note: The CITR Retreat 2011 is already halfway filled (in one week!). If you are thinking about coming to the retreat, don’t miss your chance at a spot! Space is limited and we will not be able to add more spots, so once they are filled, they are filled. Register for the retreat here. We can’t wait to see you and we’re going to have so much fun!
Back to exploring the sub-menu:
Videos. Looking for one of my videos? This button will take you to a page with all my posts with videos.
BBB Project. The Ball Blue Book Project page is here where you can access the sponsorship form and find the BBB Winners List.
Newsletter. This button will take you to the newsletter information, archives, and sign-up page.
About. Who I am and what this site is about. The low-down about me and Chickens in the Road is here.
Find. This button will take you to a page with a variety of information, such as where to find the print button on recipes, how to find the search bar, options for browsing past posts, how to find the archives, etc. This page is designed to help ease your frustrations about lots of little questions.
Contact. Use one of my 5,684 email addresses to email me! Pick the inbox that fits your question. Find it all here.
I hope that helps!
Ramona says:
LOL…those boots are muddy.
On March 8, 2011 at 11:04 am
Julia says:
Great job at making things more detailed. Love the idea of the “farm stays”.
On March 8, 2011 at 11:11 am
Gem says:
On March 8, 2011 at 11:40 am
bonita del rey says:
Luv the alts.
On March 8, 2011 at 12:01 pm
prayingpup says:
Great new format! Love your work – everywhere! Thanks for making it easier for us!
On March 8, 2011 at 12:16 pm
BeverlyC says:
I completely agree with the new Home & Garden! It really does make sense Farm Stays?!?!? Wooo Hooo!!! Will watch for more info on THAT! Thanks for all your time and effort in making CITR even BETTER!!!
On March 8, 2011 at 1:18 pm
Julie says:
Your site just gets better and better! Really wish I could make it to the retreat!
On March 8, 2011 at 1:38 pm
Carmen at Old House Kitchen says:
LOL! Sounds like something I’d agonize over, too. Looks great! Well…except for those muddy boots.
On March 8, 2011 at 2:04 pm
Backwoodsdreaming says:
I read your title as ‘Minor Altercations’ and wondered which animal you were wrestling with this time! By the look of those boots, you’ve gotten more pigs :pinkpig:
On March 8, 2011 at 4:15 pm
Backwoodsdreaming says:
I mean, I know you haven’t got more pigs, it just looks like you were in a minor altercation with them…
How about an edit button?! (How about I read what I write before I hit submit. Geesh.)
On March 8, 2011 at 4:18 pm
GrammieEarth says:
Great alterations…
My grandson won’t get impatient waiting for me to remember which area I have to go to show him the already viewed and the lastest moos, quacks, doodoes, baaas and jump gote! He really wants a dungrdungr though (that would be a horse)!
Farm stays are (is?) a great idea. Maybe you would like to call them ‘working farm stays’! Would be a definate bonus for those of us that couldn’t take the heat of your summer…and guests could help you with the winter trudges!
On March 8, 2011 at 4:19 pm
GrammieEarth says:
oH…I’m waiting for a mug on Smugmug!
‘5,684 emails’cracks me up…that is the number I use when I have too much of whatever!
On March 8, 2011 at 4:43 pm
Joy says:
I am sooooo happy to know that your retreat is already half-way filled up!!!! Even though I can’t come, I wish you GREAT success, Suzanne!!! :happyflower: :shimmy: :happyfeet: :heart:
On March 8, 2011 at 8:30 pm
Julia says:
Everything is looking good! Sadly I cannot come all the way to West Virginia for the Retreat, but have you considered a waiting list for after you fill up? There are bound to be one or two people put of any group of 60 with last minute emergencies or other changes. If you had a wait list, you might be in a position to fill up any unexpected vacancies.
On March 8, 2011 at 10:31 pm
holstein woman says:
I don’t know what more anyone could want, Great Job!
On March 9, 2011 at 8:42 am
Journey11 says:
Sounds good to me. I see what you mean about the craft/garden dilema. Usually, if I’m in the garden, I have no time for crafts anyway and save ’em up for winter to keep me entertained in the down time!
On March 9, 2011 at 2:24 pm