Softball in a Small Town


The big match-up! Double-header, Walton, our little tiny town, vs Spencer, the big town in the county.
We’re using the word big loosely here.

Walton has a long history of underdogdom. Everyone makes the team here. We love that! Okay, that’s because in this tiny school that runs from pre-k to 8th, there are only about 350 students. All of them live in the country, and many of them live on farms. It’s not easy to round up enough girls to make a team. Our farm girls have a good attitude about losing because they have a lot of experience, but they like to win. Especially when they’re playing those town girls from Spencer, their arch-rivals.

We know we’re better.

We can do the splits when we’re pitching.
We have cool sunglasses.
We can hit the ball sometimes.
And slide into the base.
And do the wiggle dance.
We have a pink catcher’s mask, too.
Doesn’t my girl look cute all geared up?
We can catch…..
….and catch….
….and catch.
And still end up on the wrong side of the scoreboard from those town girls.
Coach: “Girls…..
….I’m gonna have to tell Santa to put you on his naughty list again.”
I’m just kidding. Mr. Brohard is a teacher at the school and he coaches just about every sport. He likes to spend his every waking moment with children. I’m going to leave him my children and a couple other people’s children in my will.
Mr. Brohard reads my blog, so everybody say hi to Mr. Brohard!

I bet he’s wondering why I never bring him a doughnut.
Darn town girls.
We shall overcome!
You know, when we get to the county high school and play on their team.


  1. Kathleen in Michigan says:

    Sorry for your loss. It looks like everyone was having a good time though.

    Hi Mr Brohard!

  2. Snapper says:

    Hello Mr./Coach Brohard! I vote you bring him a doughnut AND a beer…that’s a lot of coaching.
    Morgan look adorable in the pink. :happyflower:

  3. Snapper says:

    Looks…looks adorable. Need. More. Coffee.

  4. Sue says:

    Suzanne, I couldn’t see where to reply to your photo of the day query, so brought it here – I think it’s quince blossom.

    Speaking of blossoming – your Morgan is really becoming a beautiful young woman.

  5. Lynda Dunham-Watkins says:

    Morgan certainly looks like her mother. Cute post! Being rural can be tough in some circumstances, but sooooo much fun! Yeah,the coach needs a doughnut AND a beer, maybe a couple of each.

  6. Diane says:

    Hello Coach Mr. Brohard!!!! Looks like you do a great job with the kids. Its so great to get good teachers who love working with kids.

    Sorry the girls lost. Its great they give their all. Sunglasses and all. lol. Country gals are raised diffrent from the city or town girls. I see it at our school. My daughter is a country kid. Loves to be outside, collects bugs, loves animals, if given a chance helps her friend with the cows on the farm. Does not get much of a chance to be hanging out in town and getting in trouble. I know where she is all the time. Its kind of nice. Kids come here and hate to leave. lol.

  7. Lucy says:

    “Hi Mr. Brohard!” I love small towns. I miss them so much.

  8. Kate says:

    Well, it looks like they had fun! I loved playing baseball when I was younger, too bad I wasn’t any good at it. I’ll just stick to watching it; I can still do that pretty well 🙂

  9. Sandra says:

    “Howdy, Mr. Brohard,” from Houston, TX…

    I lived in Walton briefly while locating a job in Charleston. It was an apartment over a garage. I wouldn’t trade my country-livin’ background for anything and feel my children were deprived by not experiencing the same.

  10. Fencepost says:

    Hi, Mr. Brohard! Kudos to you for all you do for the kids!

    Hang in there, girls! You’ll win, we have faith in you!!!

  11. iowacowgirl says:

    Hi Mr. Brohard.
    Nice ketcher’s mask Morgan.

  12. Cheryl says:

    What a lovely smile.

  13. Stephanie says:

    Hey Coach Brohard!! Great effort Girls!!

  14. Nancy in Atlanta says:

    Good morning, Mr. Brohard! Judging by the pictures I’d say the girls had a great time, even though the score went against them. You’re building character out there! Team spirit is the most important thing…

    Now, about those donuts and beer – I’d say you’re entitled!

    Morgan, you look absolutely wonderful. :fairy:

  15. Leah says:

    Morn’in Coach! :wave: Those are some great action shots Suzanne. Morgan you look great,glad you’re having so much fun with your team!

  16. Claudia W. says:

    Hi Mr. Brohard! What a guy you are, taking all those kids in under your coach/teacher wing. Not a lot of people will do that. You rock!
    It does look as though everyone is having fun and that is the point isn’t it?
    I am just in awe of all the girls who play softball…I was a wuss, I was always afraid the ball would hit me and Heaven knows that wouldn’t have been a good thing. So girls…you rock too!

  17. Amy Buchanan says:

    OH WE (my household of 3 girls) LOVE Softball! It’s the best time of the year!

    As the mother of 2 pitchers, I must say your pitcher has a pretty good leap going on! Looks like she might be a force to be dealt with! Sorry you guys lost the game, but there’s always another one! I have to remind my gang that it is just a game -it’s not life or death! LOL

  18. watkinsgal says:

    My daughter also plays fastpitch softball as the team’s catcher! Don’t know how they do it in all that gear when it is hot/humid outside. Great shot of the pitcher…she is airborne! It amazes me how those girls pitch fastpitch softball…WOW! My small town Missouri daughter knows all about losing to the big city girls. For the most part, it seems to me the country girls take losing better than the city girls. Just my observation….oh…and I know what the wiggle dance is too!

    Coach, if your girls cheer as much as my daughter’s team cheers…you’ll need earplugs…not beer and doughnuts!

  19. MissyinWV says:

    :wave: Hi Mr. Brohard! WE love softball. Its great sitting at the ballfield in the spring…. All your girls look great..GO WALTON!

  20. Beth Brown says:

    Hi Mr. Brohard! Thanks to you and all of the people who volunteer their time (lots and lots of it!!) to teach our children how be part of a team, how to lose (and win) gracefully, and–oh yeah–how to play sports!

    Beth in PA

  21. Bev says:

    “hi to Mr. Brohard”

    Shame on you…take that poor man a doughnut!

  22. Kacey says:

    Hi, Coach! Thanks for taking the time to coach all those kids! You are touching so many lives.

  23. Melissa says:

    Hey! Is that the first, full on Morgan smile w/o her braces?! Gorgeous!

  24. Heidi says:

    HELLO COACH BROHARD!!! great job with them girls!! Good luck for the rest of the season!

  25. trish says:

    Wonderful Pictures! Princess seems like such a happy girl! Good job mom!

  26. Tori Lennox says:

    Hi, Mr. Brohard!!!

    So why DON’T you bring him a doughnut???

  27. Stephanie in Seattle says:

    Morgan looks so grown-up without her braces. Beautiful smile!

  28. Jodie says:

    Hey Coach Brohard, congrats on a fine girls softball team. You’re a star for all your coaching!

    Suzanne, say hello to the gang, especially Clover, Coco and Dukie!

  29. maryann says:

    Hi Mr. Brohard,
    You know the town girls get more time to practice as they don’t have as many chores to do like farm girls.

  30. Estella says:

    Those are great shots of Morgan catching!

    The blossoms look like apple to me.

  31. monica says:

    She looks so much more comfortable without all that metal in her mouth. And the catcher helmet is a bit more loosely fit!

    Mr. Brohard is a gem for caring about his players! Don’t make him line up at the fence with the goats for a cookie! :hungry:

    I love small town rivalry: I married a guy from our rival school. It feels funny to root for his team now, but there must be peace in the house. Our son goes to the school his daddy went to. It is nice. I never felt that way about my school. I could not wait to get out of there!!

  32. midwestmom says:

    Hi Mr.Brohard!!! My daughter will be playing tball this year and is so excited!

  33. Lovin a Farmboy says:

    Next year I’ll be working for a K-8 school district. I’m kind of excited, it’s the only tiny district in our area. Definitely the underdog type.

  34. Sarah Brewer says:

    Love this post. My two boys are in baseball and my daughter(3years) will be when she’s old enough.
    I feel your pain on the loss. Looks like they had a good time though. :sun:
    Yes your girl does look cute all geared up. Looks like she’s doing a good job. Great phots. Catcher is a tough position. Gets alot of action. :sheepjump:

  35. Alexandra says:

    Hi, Mr. Brohard. Suzanne, get that guy some of your cookies and cakes to keep him going.Morgan looks beautiful, by the way.

  36. slow pitch says:

    The title of your post caught my eye. “Softball In A Small Town.” Great pictorial. it is noce to be reminded of how the game should be played. It seems that softball in a small town has a lot more comroderee that goes a long with it. Great pictures.

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