The CITR 2012 Calendar!


The 2012 calendar is here! The animals have been bad, wild, and bad this year, so in honor of their bad-to-the-bone-ness, I present the Party Animals Edition!

The calendar sells for $14.99 and you can buy it through Lulu here. (Please don’t send money to me. I don’t have the calendars.)

If you like, you can also purchase individual prints, notecards, or posters of the photos with captions if you don’t want a calendar but like one of the images particularly well. You can find them at my CITR Smugmug shop here. (Click the “Photos with Captions” gallery.)

Keep a goat in cookies! Buy a calendar!

(It may take a moment for the gallery to load. Please wait.)


Thank you!


  1. Darlene in North GA says:

    These are so cute!
    So, are you going to have a give away of a couple of calendars this year? lol

  2. mammaleigh says:

    those are too cute!!!

  3. Darlene says:

    My daughter is a city girl through and through. 😆 When she called and told me she bought a farm I about fainted. How did this happen, out of the blue?? She now lives on three acres, in a 100 year old farm house complete with a barn. Her “barn” is a good sized building which housed chickens (and I’m never going to tell her it really isn’t a barn) ….and she wants chickens and a cow and a garden! She even hangs her wash outside! So naturally she needs a CITR calendar…..can’t have a farm without one!!!

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