The New View


A few weeks ago, I was contemplating the view from our front porch.

And how much nicer it would be if a few of those trees intruding on the view of the hill opposite our farm were gone.

I even did some (somewhat rudimentary) Photoshop magic to get a better idea of what it would be like without them.

And took a poll, which ran about two-thirds for firing up the chain saw to one-third against.

Firing up the chain saw won. Several trees went down.

And this is not Photoshop magic.

That’s for real! (You can also see the difference a few weeks makes–most of the leaves are down and we are starting to be able to see down to the river and we can also see my great-grandfather’s new house–aka the house the person who owns the property now built on the ground where my great-grandfather’s house stood.) There are still one or two trees on the right that I had targetted for the death squad, but we went for a cautious approach starting out.

So, what do you think of the new view?!


  1. mim says:

    This did make your view better… Hopefully the wood will be put to good use… I bought a book at the Capitol Farmers Market (Frogs) about building rustic items (tables, chairs, gates, fences etc) from logs….I am putting up more fence and will have to cut down some trees and I plan on using this book for ideas. :treehugger: :treehugger:

  2. Kalin says:

    Definitely an improvement!

  3. shannon says:

    awesome possom!

  4. Patty says:

    Fantastic! I’d have done the same thing.

  5. Cathy J. says:


  6. Shari C says:

    Terrific! Much better view. You are certainly becoming a ‘Jack of All Trades’.

  7. Sarita says:

    What a great way to begin the day, looking out over that view. Just lovely.

  8. connie says:

    It made a big difference..I like the new view much better..Connie

  9. Kathryn says:

    Oh, I love it! Such an improvement.

  10. Patty says:

    SO much better…and I agree about the trees on the right…they can go too.

  11. Suzanne McMinn says:

    It didn’t take long At All! I was going to take pictures but I was cooking something. By the time I was ready to walk down there, it was done!

  12. Amelia says:

    Wonderful…much better view!

  13. hayseed says:

    Much better, I’m sure you will enjoy your new and more expansive view!

  14. jan-n'-tn says:

    Greatly improved view!!!I agree that the couple of trees on the right could be used for something other than a view disrupter. Good idea to cut sparingly.

  15. Suzette says:

    MUCH improved! I would definitely take out the other large trees on the right. Since I’m a classic tree hugger, that’s a pretty strong statement. But, you don’t have a tree shortage. Use the wood somehow, and you’ll feel better about it. Too bad you don’t have a fireplace! Can I come get your castoff logs? 😆

  16. Diane says:

    Beautiful improvement!!! :elephant: I would take the tress on the right down also. What a diffence takeing down a few trees make. Enjoy your new view!! :sheepjump:

  17. Donna says:

    :no: I voted for the old view…I LIKED the shrouded veil of mystery!!!! :mrgreen: Yet, it’s still gorgeous! :mrgreen:

  18. Donna says:

    :treehugger: :treehugger: :treehugger: :mrgreen:

  19. TeresaH says:

    I liked the trees, but that view is great too!

  20. Becky says:

    Beautiful view, Suzanne!
    One of these days I’m gonna come sit on your pie porch and enjoy it with you, if only for a few minutes.

  21. Susan says:

    You had a great view that is now spectacular! :thumbsup:

  22. margie says:

    Its looking great! I’d take the trees on the right out. The trees will fill out so fast at the top, you’ll be surprised. Your garden and yard (coff, coff) will be so much better.

    On another note, I saw this fantastic jungle gym thing built for goats, it was awesome. It looked like a 2 story ramp with fencing to the king goat of the hill kinda thing.

    I think you need sheep now. Especially so you can have lambs in the spring. Or some ilamas.



  23. Claudia W. says:

    I like it! It’s nice and clean now. You still have trees to admire, but now you also have that gorgeous hill scene. Can wait to see it all with snow! (Although, I am not sure I would want to experience the snow!)

  24. Kacey says:

    Cool view! And it’s usually not hard to talk a male into using a chainsaw… 😆

  25. Treasure says:

    Good improvement – now finish the job.


  26. catslady says:

    I cannot tell a lie – I still liked the old way better. I never was one for neat and organized. My back hill looks like a jungle (but a pretty one) which I’m sure my neighbors hate but my wildlife loves it and I’m the ones with the most birds and creatures. I lose the battle in the front yard because my husband insists on it but I like a more natural look.

  27. FringeGirl says:

    Wonderful view! Good decision.

  28. Karen B says:

    :typing: So much better!

  29. Carolyn A. says:

    Wow! What a difference. I love the new view! Yes, I agree, take out those few larger trees in the to neaten it up and you’ve got yourself a view to be proud of. xxoo

  30. Brandy says:

    I voted for the trees to stay, but the view is nicer now. I hope you find a use for the wood! *G*

  31. Estella says:

    Great imoprovement! The trees on the right need to come down, too.

  32. robin says:

    looks better than the doctored photos! you can see those light bark trees – like a peeking in on another mountain! good choice and conservative job!

  33. anne says:

    I usually do not like to cut trees down but you have now a great view !!
    It was worth it.

  34. Pamela-ATL. says:

    I’m a tree hugger so it’s hard for me to cut down trees. I take your approach…I contimplate it long and hard. You made an excellent choice. Beautiful view and you don’t even know that they’re missing.

  35. Kim W says:

    WAY cool!! Enjoy the veiw! :treehugger:

    Blessings from Ohio…

  36. Angie says:

    That’s a much nicer view! What does the rest of the family think of it?

  37. Ann says:

    nice. very nice. thanks, too, for posting photos of fall color changes. here on the farm in central tx., the color change is much more subtle.

  38. Shari says:

    It looks fantastic!!! Knowing you’ll use the wood, and that you NEED the wood, I join the ranks of those who think those tall, lanky trees on the right need to come out as well.

  39. Michelle says:

    Simply beautiful!

  40. TheRandomMuse says:

    I have to admit, I liked the trees better.

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