My Hugger-Bear


So he climbs up in a tree and says, hunh, I’m up a tree and I’m hungry.


Yes, he’s 14 and he still calls me mommy. You’d bring him a sandwich, too, wouldn’t you?

He’s still my hugger-bear baby……. :heart:


  1. Jill says:

    I can’t believe you brougth him the sandwich, lol. His future wife is not going to thank you! 😛

  2. Lis says:

    lol I still call my mom mommy 🙂

  3. Crystal* says:

    No. I’d have told any one of my chickens to get down the way they got up and make it themselves. :rotfl:
    This they know. Ergo, no hollering at me.

  4. Sasha White says:

    Something about his boots makes him seem older than 14. LOL

  5. catslady says:

    And why exactly was he up in the tree ( and starving himself lol):?:

  6. Kelly Parra says:

    That is so sweet! Hey, how do you get your kids to want their pics on the ‘net? haha! You’re good, Suzanne! 😀