It’s been raining here every day. EVERY DAY.
Even if I do have to wipe off my camera lens between every photo because it’s so humid, the lens fogs up in seconds.
Though it does lend a magical mysterious ambiance to the garden. But it’s no mystery what the rain is doing! My tomatoes are blooming! And so are the bush beans.
I even have baby green beans dangling down!
They taunt me with dreams of a big pot of green beans with bacon.
The squash and zucchini are also blooming away! And the cucumbers have gone darn crazy.
I wasn’t sure how my secret side garden from the studio would do. It’s not in full sun. But–it’s doing great, and the constant rain is working miracles. I can’t wait for a pot of beans. And a big sliced fresh tomato. And squash casserole. And fried squash blossoms!
When the Rain Came Tumblin’ Down