Wild Pinks


Anyone know what this is? I need a book of wildflowers. I always want to identify stuff and sometimes I can’t.

I’m off to another crazy day. 14 has freshman orientation at 9. The Princess has a sports physical at 10. 16 has to be dropped off for a golf match at 2:20. The Princess has volleyball practice at 3. And 14 has “meet-the-squad’ night at the high school at 6. Hope your day is simpler!

Dear Editor, in case you’re reading this, yes, of course I am working on my deadline book today, too!! Neither snow, nor rain, nor heat, nor the activities of children shall stay this courageous courier from the swift completion of her appointed story……

(Winner of this weekend’s Free Book Friday–#20, Teresa W! Email me!)


  1. Kim A. says:

    I haven’t a clue what that is!

    Good luck trying to fit your writing into your schedule today. LOL!!

    -Kim :catmeow:

  2. Melissa L. says:

    :hellokitty: Mornin’ Suz! You do have a busy day!
    I have to unpack stuff and go through papers. It amazes me how paper accumulates.
    Not sure what the wildflowers are. I don’t have a book about wildflowers. Shocking eh? I think I have a book on everything else. 😆
    :rockon: CONGRATULATIONS Teresa W.
    Have a great day everybody! :snoopy:

  3. Alice Audrey says:

    Um…. a bush? No, no, wait. It’s a plant. I’m sure of it. It’s a plant. :yes:

  4. Ellen says:

    No clue on the wildflowers, but they’re pretty!

  5. Susan says:

    I tried to find it in my book but alas couldn’t. :hissyfit: They’re beautiful!

    Congratulations Teresa! :thumbsup:

  6. Ericka Scott says:

    And here I thought that once they started school, things would be easier! Sigh!

  7. mary beth says:

    I don’t have a clue but WOW are they beautiful.
    Congrats Teresa!

  8. Brandy says:

    I have no clue what those flowers are but they are very pretty. Hope your day went well and congratulations to the book winner!

  9. Gabrielle says:

    No idea, but the Audubon Society’s field guides are excellent for identifying plants, etc–great writing resource, too.

  10. Michelle Willingham says:

    They’re pretty, whatever they are! :thumbsup:

  11. Margery Scott says:

    No idea what they are, but they’re beautiful. If you find a good wildflower book, let me know. We have tons (I thought they were weeds) at the lake.

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