Goat Bottoms


Snuggling in the goat pen during a rain yesterday. Guess whose is the big brown one?


  1. Briklyn says:

    Do your goats look at you like it is your fault it is raining? Mine do. I tell them I can’t help it, but they just look at me and baah-aah. :wave:

  2. Flowerpower says:

    Hmmm…thats a toughie….ummm Rotunda otherwise known as Clover?
    She cant help it she just loves cookies! :happyflower:

  3. CarrieJ says:

    I was gonna say Nutmeg but you beat me to it!

  4. Granny Trace says:

    I love Nutmeg & Clover!
    Granny Trace
    All your critterS

  5. whaledancer says:

    Rotunda: “Does this light brown make my butt look fat?”

  6. Window On The Prairie says:

    I would guess it is the new Weight Watchers rep, Nutmeg.

  7. native daughter says:

    I’ll go out on a limb and say thats Glory Bee. :heart:

  8. TinaBell says:

    Awww, it’s gotta be Nutmeg…poor dear! Cute picture of all the goatie derrieres!

  9. JerseyMom says:

    I knew it was Nutmeg…and I think goat bottoms are cute…but not nearly as cute as goat lips!! :yes:

  10. Flowerpower says:

    whoops!!! I almost said Nutmeg….but then thought..no…maybe its clover. LOLOL! :happyflower:

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