Turns Out, There Is a Day Nine


A new series of storms is blowing through. Our power is out. Again. But I have a handy generator now that I can start with the push of a button. I have nearly 10 gallons of gas. (Now I’m glad that Ross had just gone out and filled up all the gas cans right before our power came back on.) I knew storms were coming, so when I went to the grocery store today to start stocking up our bare refrigerators and freezers, I had the kids carry all the groceries to the studio and I started cooking dinner in the studio. I had tidied up the cords, but not put them away. We were back on generator power before you could say boo.

I am grateful.


  1. Pat says:

    Glad you bought that generator. Life in the country=always be prepared…for anything! :yes:
    Pat in Eastern NC

  2. onrushpam says:

    The longest we’ve been without power was 11 days… I can’t remember which hurricane did it to us… One of the storms the same year as Katrina. We had something like 20 greyhounds here at the time and we learned a LOT! We now have a generator that will run our well pump. (No public water anywhere near us.)

    I just made your cornmeal yeast rolls (they just came out of the oven). I’ve made them several times before and they are always awesome!

  3. BuckeyeGirl says:

    Well, you got some respite and I’m thinking (hoping? praying?) this stretch will be just very temporary, and the power company will be able to get the minor glitch worked out quickly.

    Have you looked into running a hose from an indoor faucet somewhere in the studio building out to the barn? I know it would be a long hose, but even most of the way there would cut down on how far you had to haul buckets. I got an adapter for a regular household faucet so I could connect a hose to it when I lived in an apartment once, I had an entire garden out on my little balcony. It was the talk of the complex, and took so much water and hauling buckets of it across the carpet and through the living and dining area was making a mess! NOT a good option for winter time of course, but for now? (or maybe a second small generator out in the barn? It could be a back up for the house too which would help justify it a bit)

  4. MissPat says:

    Thank heavens you have the generator now, AND gas ! This will certainly be a summer you won’t forget. So sorry for all the frustration. The longest I was without power was 7 days, due to an ice storm. It was horrible and I’ve never taken a cup of hot coffee for granted since.

  5. NancyL says:

    The timing – I can’t believe the timing! You did get the generator, and food, and gas! AND, best of all, you have all your kids home. I’d say you are pretty blessed!

    And…I love the chicken tablecloth!!!

  6. KellyWalkerStudios says:

    CRAP! Maybe it won’t last too long this time. Here’s hoping you get it back soon.

  7. yvonnem says:

    Hopefully the awesome power crews are still in your area. We here in Tornado got very little of the storm, guess it hit worst north and west of us. We still have power, but if we didn’t, we would have that same new generator fired up, just like you! Hang in there! :hug:

  8. easygoinglady says:

    well, now you have a chance to test out the emergency preparedness plan! And yes, great that you have food, generator, gas to run it and surrounded by your kids. We will hope its a short run this time though :sun:

  9. Murphala says:

    You need to put up a couple of windmills… :yes: Hope things power on soon. Yikes…you guys in WV have had a rough go of it!

  10. bonita says:

    Who would have thunk your new BFF would be a generator? Two safety notes from a perennial worry wort: One, when filling portable gas tanks at gas station, place container on concrete, away from metal truck bed, other conductive material. Two, gasoline gets ‘old’, consider adding a stabilizer to keep it fresh and rotate it out of generator every 12 months or so.

  11. Miss Judy says:

    Oh my goodness! So glad you got the gasoline for the new Gen!

  12. mds9 says:

    You can fix/adapt your generator to run on your natural gas well.

  13. whaledancer says:

    Your kids will one day be telling their grandkids about this.

    Suzanne, I’m wondering how big a generator you got? I see it’s running the fridge, freezer, lights, and computers, and I’m betting the A/C, too. I’m thinking of getting a generator, but I don’t know how big a one we’d need. Yours seems like it would handle our most important needs.

  14. WvSky says:

    The generator is 3500 watts with 4000 peak. It normally could operate two fridges, but as the plug needed to do so isnt available within 500 miles we’re operating on half of the generator. (the half with the standard plug). You always have to balance the following when buying a generator: How many watts do you absolutely need VS how much money do you want to spend VS how often are you going to use it. I think for Suzannes needs, this generator (once the new plug arrives) will do her quite nicely.

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