Trick-Or-Treating For Dummies


Cousins on the town.

1. Be free of anything that might slow you down. Dump the mask, hat, and all other costume accessories immediately upon arriving at the location.

2. Be ready for dark shortcuts. Bring a flashlight.

3. Be ambitious. Use a 30-gallon trash bag to collect candy.

4. Be quick. RUN.

5. Be on guard. Brothers who didn’t come will want your candy when you get home.:whip:

It’s November!!!!!! Ack!! My book is due two weeks from today. I’m teaching an online class that starts today, too. Big month for me! You?


  1. ruby55 says:

    You really sound busy. Sometimes everything does come at once doesn’t it?:hissyfit:

    Does going away for a week to go to a wedding count? I didn’t expect to be going because of the cost and then I got invited all expenses paid. So in just over a week I was supposed to do laundry of summer clothes, find various documents and I was already late with a bunch of things that had to be done. I don’t know how the rest of November will be but the first half will be kind of busy.

    Not sure when we’re leaving here to go to Toronto–yep, that charming city though I’ll probably see mainly the airport too. I’m waiting for my brother to call me.

    Hugs and take care and don’t go crazy as I usually do under pressure.

  2. Fannie M Wiggins says:

    Does doing Physical Therapy twice a week count?:thumbsdown: It sure does mess up my week. I can look foreward to six weeks of this. Other than that, my schedule is cleaar until the middle of December when my Grandbabies come to visit Mamaw.:hyper: My son-in-law leaves for Iraq the week after Christmas so would all my blog friends keep him on their prayer list? Thank you. Hope no one got tricked too badly last night. Hugs to all. BTE Suz, I am eagerly awaiting your new series. Sounds really great. :wave:

  3. Fannie M Wiggins says:

    My brain went out on the town last night and didn’t return. That should be BTW in previous post.:oops:

  4. Suzanne says:

    Wow, Ruby, that is fantastic about the all-expenses paid wedding trip! Have fun!

    Fannie–thank you!!!:heart:

  5. Cryna says:

    November is an easy month for me – I have my Dad’s 84th birthday today, and that looks like it for this month so far. December is the month that is bad for me, birthdays, Christmas, Wedding anniversary of my parents (61 this year), and everything else that goes with December.

    Looking forwrd to your new series. 😀

  6. Becki says:

    A question for my favorite (ok-only) WV contact. I feel like an idiot for asking, but what the heck is the big deal about the “Mothman” in Point Pleasant?

    Am I an idiot?


  7. Crystal* says:

    I’m feeling your business, woman.

    I have the #1 bestseller for the fourth month in a row at Torrid.
    I just contracted another full. And two short stories.
    Book two in my Guardian series NEEDS to be worked on. *sigh* Oh. And I’m working on something to pitch at RT.
    So, yeah.
    *looking at calendar and making pained face*
    Free time? Not so much.

    I am, however, being strong and refusing to do Nano. I just don’t think I can work like that.

  8. Estella says:

    Big monthe for me, too. My birthday is Thanksgiving Day!

  9. catslady says:

    Smart kids lol It rained here so not too many ventured out – now what to do with all that left over candy :mrgreen:

  10. Jessica Raymond says:

    GOod luck, Suzanne!

    I plan to get two novellas written and start working on plans for a possible mainstream novel. Whether this will happen remains to be seen 😆

    ((Fannie)) Thinking of you, your son-in-law and your family.

    Jess x