Flower Identification Test


Pop quiz!

Identify this flower!
And this one!
To be honest, I have no idea what they are. I want to dehydrate some of the petals to put in soaps, but I have no idea what to call the soap because I don’t know what the flowers are! Help!

If you’re the first person to correctly identify both flowers, I’ll send you a bar of soap!

When the Rain Came Tumblin’ Down


It’s been raining here every day. EVERY DAY.
Even if I do have to wipe off my camera lens between every photo because it’s so humid, the lens fogs up in seconds.
Though it does lend a magical mysterious ambiance to the garden. But it’s no mystery what the rain is doing! My tomatoes are blooming! And so are the bush beans.
I even have baby green beans dangling down!
They taunt me with dreams of a big pot of green beans with bacon.
The squash and zucchini are also blooming away! And the cucumbers have gone darn crazy.
I wasn’t sure how my secret side garden from the studio would do. It’s not in full sun. But–it’s doing great, and the constant rain is working miracles. I can’t wait for a pot of beans. And a big sliced fresh tomato. And squash casserole. And fried squash blossoms!

June 11, 2015 - Wildflower Soaps

While I was out playing with wildflowers the other day, I picked some clover and dandelion to dehydrate–then I made soap! I’ve made quite a bit of soap lately. Here is a sampling of the different soaps I’ve made in the past week or so. Far left, lavender. Then there’s a bar of brown sugar...
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June 9, 2015 - West Virginia Wildflowers

This is a wonderful time for wildflowers as many of the spring wildflowers are still in bloom with summer wildflowers already sneaking in. Those are ox-eye daisies, which are edible! We’ll be making daisy jelly at this weekend’s wildflower two-day retreat. This is Philadelphia fleabane, which is slightly crumpled looking from rain. This is a...
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May 27, 2015 - The Little Room Project Continues!

I’ve been making progress in my project to revamp the small guest room upstairs in my house. There are only three bedrooms in this little old farmhouse, and this is my only guest room. As I posted recently, this was the “before” picture. I had been using it as a junk/storage room, so that photo...
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