The Refrigerator Is Meowing


Cats, cats, everywhere cats! The kittens are in and out of the house (they found that ripped screen….) and up curtains and down pants legs and popping their heads over the sides of sinks like little jack-in-the-boxes…which is really creepy when you walk into the room without realizing they are there….. Even Flash-the-dog is losing his mind (see photo). This weekend, my son was fixing a sandwich when I walked into the kitchen. He said, “The refrigerator is meowing.” I said, “Maybe there is a kitten behind it.” We looked. And looked. No kitten behind the fridge. Uh oh…….. I pulled open the door of the refrigerator and out jumped Sugar………..:shock:

This weekend’s Free Book Friday winner: Ember! Click the Contact button in the menu above and send me your pick from my contemporary backlist and your address!


  1. ruby55 says:

    That is so funny. Poor Flash. He does look somewhat traumatized. Just like I’m feeling. 😀 How many cats do you now have including the kittens?

    But the pictures you’ve taken of them are so cute. I guess like little children they too have to explore and get to know the world. Is something like the refrigerator incident responsible for “curiosity killed the cat”? But then, they also have nine lives, don’t they?

    Oh, right. You’ve got your kids home all day, every day now, don’t you. When do they go back to school? Do you like having them home or are you glad to see them off to school again? Probably both. I expect the baseball games are still continuing too.:wink:

  2. Tori Lennox says:

    Poor Flash! He looks REALLY traumatised!

  3. Suzanne says:

    There are four kittens, the mama cat, and my Butter!!

    School is OUT! Not sure the date they go back but it’s the last week of August, I think……..

  4. catslady says:

    Great pic and poor pop sickle kitty.
    congrats Ember.

  5. Carol says:

    Congrats Ember!

    Kittens are so much fun! roflmao!

  6. Danica says:

    That poor, poor puppy

  7. Sasha says:

    I love Kittens!! Uhmmmnot inthe fridge, but in the house. 😉

  8. Melissa says:

    Congrats Ember! :thumbsup:

    For cryin’ out loud please keep the kittens out of the fridge ❗

    Flash looks like psycho dog. 😆

  9. TeresaH says:

    LOL poor Flash

  10. Marcy says:

    My bil misplaced his cat once. Found him in the fridge with half a stick of butter gone. :rotfl:

    Poor Flash. He looks a bit overwhelmed. LOL

  11. Ashley says:

    How much food got sampled while the kitten was in residence?

  12. Madeline says:

    I had a black cat that often got into the refrigerator. And on top of the draperies, and pooped in the houseplants, and crawled inside of carved out halloween pumpkins and slept, and dragged the toilet paper through the house in a wild decorating fit.. and and..some kities are soo adventurous.

    Of my two kitties now, one is calm and predictable, the other falls into the swimming pool, (swims out thank god!), eats birds, and opens drawers, pulls clothes out and throws them on the floor, and sleeps inside the bureau.

    Poor Flash! Needs a doggie friend??

  13. Amy K. says:

    Poor pooch! I need a meowing fridge myself. :bananadance:

  14. Mechele Armstrong says:

    LOL that made me laugh. Poor pooch. I love the kitty stories and pictures.