More New Babies


I picked up a dozen Golden Laced Wyandottes yesterday evening at the little store in town. I cleaned out their available chicks.
They’re in a big tub in the cellar right now, but will be moving to a stall in the barn soon with the other chicks and the ducklings.
This is a sexed batch, so they’re all girls! (I HOPE.)


  1. ClaudiaL says:

    How do you decide what chickens you will get? I just bought my local stores’ last four, (3) Black Sex Links and (1) Gold Sex Link. I only bought them because they were the last four. I have two grown chickens, that I have had for four years, still laying, the poor ol’ girls have moved a few times with me now. How do you introduce your new chicks to your older chickens? I’m almost ready to put the new ones out, but I know that the older ones can b e mean…is there a method? Thanks for your help!!!

  2. Cheryl LeMay says:

    I love that breed! You are lucky to find them sexed. I’ve only seen them straight run. Do they have any goslings? It seems like they’re the only ones left for you to buy.

  3. DeniseS says:

    For ClaudiaL in Post #1: A good place to find an answer to your question would be at Terry Golson has a blog on all things concerning raising and keeping chickens. She does workshops, if you live in driving distance to her. Suzanne had an online giveaway for one of Terry’s cookbooks some time back. Check her out. You can email questions too, for a more specific answer to your questions and concerns.

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