Foggy with a Chance of Goats


Right now on the farm. Spooky….


  1. Donna says:

    We’re having the same weather over here in our part of the state this evening. Very ethereal, I guess you could say. We have no goats, but there are lots of feral cats in our neighborhood and an overabundance of squash in the garden, so I was thinking along the lines of “zucchini in the mist” or the fog coming in on little cat’s feet. I love watching it creep down the hollows onto the meadow fields! :clover:

  2. Joell says:

    Interesting photo, it looks like the “pearly gates” the way the light is shinning on top of the barn, sort of like there should be a sign at the bottom saying “this way up”.

  3. Starfish says:

    wow…… beautiful……..seems the goats are just going about their usual business of climbing stuff……cool….. 🙂

  4. DancesInGarden says:

    Hey, is your barn a copier machine? It looks like one goat going in, and three coming out!

  5. cabynfevr says:

    Beaming up to the mothership! :shocked:

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