One-Trick Donkey


I love my little donkey.
Pocahontas is soooo sweet.

I want to get her a straw hat with ribbons and teach her to do tricks. But every time I go down to see her, she just starts bellowing. I mean, bellowing. Like a dingo just stole her baby, it’s that pathetic.
And then I feel so sorry for her, I rush to grab her a licorice treat. I give her the treat and love on her and tell her never mind, we won’t do any work today. I can teach her tricks another day.


I already taught her a trick, didn’t I? Or maybe she taught me one…..


  1. Runningtrails-Sheryl says:

    What beautiful eyes she has! She looks like such a sweetie! Sounds like she already learned one trick alright. lol! That’s ok, my dog has taught me lots of tricks too.

  2. Kelly Walker says:

    Sounds like she’s a natural….at “human training” that is! Or perhaps you’re an easy target????

  3. Kacey says:

    She really is adorably stinkin’ cute! :yes:

  4. Bev says:

    Those animals have you wrapped around their hoofs. Accept it and be at peace with it…lol

  5. Nancy in Atlanta says:

    You really are the one who has been trained, Suzanne! Clover taught you to bring cookies, Annabelle conned you into letting her live on the porch, and now Pocahontas has taught you to bring her licorice on command. And let’s not forget the stray cats, and the dogs, and all the other critters! :sheepjump:

  6. Claudia W. says:

    I wouldn’t be able to resist that face or eyes either!

  7. Tammy says:

    Awwww, she is so cute! Yes, donkeys are extremely smart… and she taught you well! p.s. does she have a donkey buddy?

  8. KentuckyFarmGirl says:

    She is just precious! Love her eyes. My goats have talked me into bringing them John Deere gummies when I come to the barn….don’t tell my boys. They keep wondering why the gummies are disappearing.

  9. monica says:

    You are sooo lucky!

  10. Su says:

    You have very talented trainers, Suzanne!! :happyflower:

    They haven’t been coresponding with mine, have they???

  11. The Retired One says:

    I plead for licorice too…but my husband still doesn’t bring me any.
    That picture of George and Number Nine???: PRICELESS.
    It can’t get any cuter than THAT!

  12. trish says:

    Love the kitties! meow
    I want to know how you figured out that Donkeys love licorice.
    Pocahantas is sooooooo cute!!
    Can I live your life please??

    Oh yeah, I could never work as hard as you do. Never mind! lol 😆

  13. Estella says:

    Sounds like she is very good at teaching humans tricks.

  14. Michelle says:

    Oh that is hilarious! You are like me…when all else fails give ’em treats! And yes, then they have taught us a trick or two. Lol!!

  15. Christine says:

    LOL, they’re no dummies that’s for sure.

  16. SuzieQ says:

    Our animals do seem to train us rather quickly but we love them in spite of or maybe because of it. I know I do! :snoopy: :snuggle:

  17. MissyinWV says:

    :heart: Too Cute!!! She is adorable.

  18. Alison says:

    “Like a dingo just stole her baby”

    is that like the movie “A cry in the dark” with Meryl Streep? Or like Elaine on Seinfeld?

    couldn’t pass that one up:)

  19. ann/alba says:

    LOL yes I do believe Clover has had a word with Pocahontas….

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