New Crib


The Crooked Little Hen has moved her laying operation from the old chair around the side of the porch to the top of the hay pile down by the goats. This won’t last long as the hay pile will be depleted! Not sure why she has abandoned the porch, but maybe she got suspicious about how her eggs kept disappearing. They are yummy and a very pretty blue! She lays the most perfect Easter eggs!


  1. Nancy says:

    I LOVE the pretty blue-green eggs that my “Scarlet” (black, Ameraucana) lays. I never know that eggs could be so pretty ~ OR taste so good!

    :heart: :sheep:

  2. Sheila Z says:

    I have some marble eggs that I leave in the nest boxes so the hens don’t think a thief is stealing all their precious eggs.

  3. CindyP says:

    Does she still come up to the porch??

  4. Carol Langille says:

    That’s my question, too, CindyP….does she still come to the porch?
    Maybe she has grown more confident and is venturing out in the world, now….maybe she has found self-esteem with the attention of the Rooster and her special link to you. You would think she would feel a loyalty to you and lay eggs just specialy for you!

  5. Melinda says:

    My chicks are now three months old and since it’s my first experience with poultry I am shocked to find how soft their feathers are. When I pick them up it’s like holding a new fluffy puppy! I love my chickens and never would have had the guts to go ahead and get them if not for your blog. So thanks! I didn’t know what I was missing!

  6. Barbee' says:

    I think she changed nests because “something” kept getting her eggs. The only chicken I ever had was a stray that appeared and began laying eggs on the little concrete patio right beside the back door. I took her eggs, and she moved to the very far back fence corner to the brush pile there.

  7. B. Ruth says:

    Looks like she has company in her nest!

  8. princessvanessa says:

    Rooster in the flower basket, chicken in the hay. Sounds like a square dance call.

  9. Junebug says:

    I know you have given us the disclaimer that you run a working farm there, but I worry about the Little Crooked Hen. Aren’t you afraid that some critter will get her? And does Beulah Petunia have a barn or shed or something. I know it’s silly, but I just think about these things.

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