Box o’ Roos


Our box of little fried chicken-bound chicks arrived today. Twenty-five roosters would be like a plague upon the land here, so it’s not too hard to view them as having a different future from my other chickens. I’m looking at them as twenty-five Mean Roosters.

I think that one is already mad.


  1. Blessings says:

    Box o’Roos!
    that is too funny!

  2. Bev in CA says:

    We are raising 50 CornishX this year. We are half way there. A month to go. Half for our daughter’s freezer and half for ours. Hard work but so worth the effort. We found a good souce for organic feed, too.

  3. craftycindy says:

    I do agree that one rooster does look pretty mean We had a rooster one time that attacked me and only me I couldn’t go outside without a hose in my hand to protect myself.he would fly and hit me in the chest with his feet he found a new home he was to mean to stay. i wonder though what makes them do that, pick certain poeple out and show their not so nice side.

  4. Granny Trace says:

    :sun: My dinners came yesterday..Waiting for turkeys. Hopefully tommorow.
    We had a mean old rooster named JACK..He ended up in the soup pot.He was even nastier cooked..
    Granny Trace

  5. mamapeeps says:

    They all look cranky to me (but cute at the same time!) :smilerabbit:

  6. roosterrun says:

    Roos or not, they are too cute and I couldn’t eat them. Good luck when it comes time to butcher. I’m too soft. My hubby even skinned ours so I couldn’t tell who was who and they are still in the freezer several years later. I can’t eat them or throw them away.

  7. MartyMar says:

    How long does it take for them to get big enough to butcher and how much do you think it will cost you for each to raise them? Will you do the butchering yourself or have someone else do it?

  8. mamajhk says:

    My husband looked over my shoulder and said “Lunch”. : :hungry:

  9. Chic says:

    That’s a good way to see them…as future ‘mean roosters’. Thank goodness they don’t stay this cute for long so it’s much easier to do “the deed” when the time comes. My Great Grandmother had a mean rooster that went after her every time she went from the big house to the summer kitchen so she kept a big stick near the back door. Every time she’d walk outside he’d run at her and she’d hit him with the stick and he’d stagger off. This went on for a long time until one day she had enough…grabbed him by the neck and he was supper that night. Such is life on a farm. :hungry2:

  10. Kelly in TX says:

    HA! We just had us some mean rooster for supper last night – we had two of them that we couldn’t trust around the kids so they are now in the freezer. :chicken:

  11. bimmy says:

    I hate to burst your bubble.
    We processed our first 17 meat birds on Saturday. The most difficult part was how they walked right up to you when you entered the pen. They would crawl up in your lap and just sit there if you let them. But MAN are they tasty!!!

  12. usagikitti says:

    *sigh* I am jealous, I want to raise chickens but hubby not farming type (I have always been country at heart and I think country and farming blend just nicely, thank you very much).

    As for naming then, I would name them Lunch, Dinner, Crispy, Broiled, Grilled, Baked, Roasted and Stuffed. Less attachment that way.

  13. Journey11 says:

    Bad roosters make good dumplings! I have no qualms about eating my roosters. They fairly hang around long here. That little guy in the back looks angry already, LOL.

    Be sure to pen them up by themselves somewhere that they don’t see the ladies and you’ll find them not too unbearable. A smaller pen equals less exercise equals more tender dark meat! A chicken-tractor would be a good way to go.

  14. Journey11 says:

    oops, I meant to say “rarely” hang around long! :chicken:

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