Seeds in the Dirt


I’m very excited about gardening this year. This is the first year that I’ve felt as if I had the gardens organized here in a way that works for me, and the first year I’m planting more than flowers and a few peppers, tomatoes, and herbs. The box garden that I had built by the studio is prepped now–boxes filled with garden mixture and soil.
Tomatoes are going in these two beds. The seedlings are sprouting now.
I’ve got peppers, tomatoes, and basil in little starter pots on the front porch.
I’ve got a bit of aloe started here, too.
Peppers will end up in these wash tubs in the studio garden.
In that small bed to the left of the wash tub in this picture (above), I’ve got some pole beans seeded, and some cucumber seeds in the ground in another small box (see photo below).
Long boxes near the outside studio wall have been seeded with bush beans, squash, and zucchini. I can’t wait to see all of these boxes bursting with vegetables this summer!
I’ve got lavender planted in these pots on the front porch.
A variety of herbs here.
Marigold and zinnia seeds popping up in more wash tubs.
There is very little that is more exciting than seeing a seed sprout in the spring. Well, a bloom, that’s exciting, and the vegetables ready to be picked, super exciting.
It is spring, without a doubt!
I see flowers and vegetables! This is my favorite spring in years.


  1. Starfish says:

    You are definitely ready Suzanne! Everything looks great.

    Who built those wooden dividers for you? I think i’d like some of those myself too.

  2. beforethedawn says:

    Looking good! I love seeing the seedlings pop up.

  3. yvonnem says:

    So excited for you, Suzanne! Do you think you will have trouble with the goats eating your garden?

  4. judyg says:

    What will you do with the lavender? I planted some one year and then had no idea what to do with it.

  5. starmartin says:

    You have been a very busy girl!!! The place looks great and it sounds like planting season has just begun.

  6. Leah says:

    Lookin good! Lavender soap and potpourri sounds awesome! :fairy:

  7. DebbieM says:

    I am so envious of your lilac bushes-I love them-both color and smell! It is too hot here in SC for them to survive, believe me I’ve tried. One of the worst whippings I got when I was growing up in NC was over a “flowerpot” that I picked from my aunt’s neighbors lilac bushes. I was 6 or 7 and had broken off all the blooming branches that I could reach and carry.

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