The creek looked like this when we had the flood last month.
The bridge was lifted up and moved by the strong waters, along with a large rock. That was some pretty strong water.
The drain pipes were buried, and sediment filled the creek. The creek was pretty much destroyed. But, no more! The creek is back, and better than ever!
Turns out, the pipes weren’t even clogged. It was just the sediment fill that was blocking them.
The creek was dug back up, along its original course.
Though, it was dug down a little deeper. The bridge was re-set, in a different location.
Since the bridge was being moved anyway, I decided it would be handier to have it directly across from that little gate.
Following the creek back through the next field, several catch basins were dug into the creek to help slow and contain water in case of future floods. Some leveling was done out from the gate in the goat field to make it easier to get a tractor in there, also.
The bridge needs bracing since it was moved, and grates will be placed in front of the pipes, so there is still some work to be done, but things are much better. The creek, she has returned!
The Big Excavation
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Joell says:
Sound like you are ready for the next rainy season.
On August 17, 2015 at 3:05 pm