Line Edits


The line edited manuscript of my book arrived this afternoon. And look–there is an actual page! Not a particularly juicy one, sorry. Ha. You don’t think I’ll show one of those now, do you? Line edits are minor edits on the manuscript to prepare it for the copy editor, who prepares it for typesetting. The line edits are very light on this. I love my editor–she gets me and she gets the book. I can’t wait to dig in and get them done over the weekend. I love working on this book. While in some ways I’m eager to get it done and see it go into production, I’ll also miss it like an old friend. I feel honored to work on it, and so grateful to have a publisher who is publishing it so well. It’s the most important book I’ve ever written, and probably will ever write. I remind myself of that when I try to rush. I’m a chronic rusher, and once-in-a-lifetime magic should never be rushed. I actually have a SLOW DOWN sign in my house.

I have a very hard time slowing down.

Morgan is spending the weekend with friends, so I have the house to myself. I have line edits, plus three freelance writing assignments. No problem!


And I just remembered I have a Daily Mail column due.


(Wow, good thing Morgan’s spending the weekend with friends!)


  1. yvonnem says:

    Best of luck with all of your writing, I know you’ll get it all done!

    I absolutely cannot wait to read that book of yours. You ought to have a book signing at the Capitol Market or the Charleston Town Center when it is finally ready, that would be awesome! :snoopy:

  2. bonita says:

    I find the tedium of line edits is easily broken by the realization that an entire paragraph could be clearer revised and separated into two paragraphs with one moved to the next page. . . But when an editor means line edits, well, there’s just no chance is there? Good luck on the edits and assignments.

  3. Lana says:

    I cannot imagine that this will be your only book. You have such an interesting life and are such a good writer, it would almost be sacrilege for you to not write more! My son has had four plays produced, some of them more than once. I have been lucky to have seen each production, and I was amazed at how differently each director interpreted the plays. Just like they saw his words differently, every reader will get something different from your books that will be special to him/her. What a blessing it must be to be able to write and communicate effectively! P.S. I would happily trade some of my slow-downs for some of your chronic-rushings!!

  4. VictorianGirl says:

    Suzanne, this is so exciting! I can’t wait to purchase a copy and curl up with the book and a nice cup of tea. Congratulations!!!!

  5. Darlene in North GA says:

    Before you get going, put something in the slow cooker and then you won’t have to worry about stopping to fix something to eat. You can just grab a bowl or plate and continue working while you eat.

    Good luck with your assignments. (And you thought homework ended when you graduated school!)

  6. MousE says:

    Oh how exciting! I can’t wait for your book to be released, and to buy a copy! :snoopy:

  7. Glenda says:

    I bet you get more accomplished under pressure. The more you have to do, the more you get done…..

    I am anxious for the book!

  8. Leah says:

    If Georgia’s in it I’ll buy it! lol

  9. lreazer says:

    This is the saying I pass out to all my Tai Chi students:

    Live Slowly
    Life is so short it must be lived very slowly
    Buddhist saying

    Actually just got Live Slowly tattooed on my wrist yesterday 🙂

  10. whaledancer says:

    You know, I don’t think it will be the most important book you’ll ever write. You’re already living the sequel, and I bet that when you write it, it will be even better. Every bit of living will give you more depth, more insights, more perspective to share with the world.

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