First Day of Summer…


…and it’s dry dry dry here. Showens Run, the creek on our farm, isn’t exactly running.

Progress report on the farm:

16 and two of his high school friends dug about 50 post holes in one afternoon. Another 4,398 and they’ll be all done!

Meanwhile, there’s water line to be buried…..

…and culverts to be placed in the dry creekbed to build a bridge.

All this stuff is kinda boring, though. Where are my chickens?? :chicken:


  1. Nicole Reising says:

    Looks like a lot of work! I should have taken a picture of the kids having to help remove some old decor. stone around the flower bed this weekend… you’d think I’d put them in slave labor! ๐Ÿ™‚ They were really moldy and out of wack… we cleaned them off and now are going to put them back in. Of course the kids don’t get this. ๐Ÿ˜Ž


  2. leanne says:

    I understand about the water situation. We’re down to one load of laundry a day and 3 minute showers. Yea right!! How’s a girl supposed to shower and shave in 3 or less minutes? :no: Exactly!! My father-in-law also said last week if we didn’t get some good rain soon he would probably have to sell some of his cows off this fall. Bummer, less hamburger now.


  3. Brandy says:

    Are y’all inder drought conditions?
    That’s a lot of work. Good luck!

  4. Lis says:

    Gotta love slave labor ๐Ÿ˜†

  5. Ericka Scott says:

    Yep. . . exactly why I live in town! :cowsleep:

    Although I’d probably loose a little weight digging post holes instead of sitting with butt firmly in chair! :typing:

  6. Alice Audrey says:

    That looks like a BIG job. Good thing you have kids to do it. :mrgreen:
