Surprise Chicks


Weston got off the school bus yesterday with six chicks. He’s in Ag class at the high school. They were selling chicks and these are the leftovers. Free chicks! Not that I really needed any more chicks this year, but…. Okay!


  1. nancy in iowa says:

    What a beautiful little bouquet of feathery babies!!!

  2. Glenda says:

    How absolutely precious…I love baby chickees…
    Congratulations, Mom…tee hee~~~

  3. NorthCountryGirl says:

    That’s a pleasant addition to your “staff.”

  4. Sheila Z says:

    Rhode Island Red, Barred Rock, and the white one? White Rock? Leghorn? Eventually you will have to make soup with all the spent hens and excess roosters or you will be over run by freeloading staff.

  5. Suzanne says:

    I think my heart just melted!! :heart:

  6. greensborodailyphoto says:

    How sweet! You must be a loving mom because you got your kids bringing you animals, puppies and chicks, still in high school. Weston is about to go serve his country but still has this tender side to bring mom baby chicks! With every peep, cluck, and cock a doodle doo, he will be with you!


  7. CindyP says:

    More chicks! :chicken: I just love the barred rocks!

  8. Barbee' says:

    Yep, more babies to keep Weston awake. Ha! :chicken:

  9. robin says:

    Free :happyflower: and more eggs on the way, do you sell any eggs? I would love to have some hens that lay brown eggs.But dont think the neighbors would like it. If ya need egg cartons saved let me know and will be glad to and will send them to ya.

  10. hannah says:

    When I saw the photo from the main page I thought they were kittens! 😀 🙂 8) But everyone knows chicks are just as cute! :chicken:

  11. KentuckyFarmGirl says:

    I have peeping come from the incubator across the room as I type. 4 out so far and about 20 more pipped! Chicks are so sweet!

  12. Angela says:

    Suzanne, Weston is the BEST!!!! :chicken:

    Angela :wave:

  13. Miss Becky says:

    wow, those are some lucky chicks to find a home at your farm Suzanne :heart:

  14. Carol Boumiea says:

    I know this isn’t the proper place to bring this up, but I emailed you and haven’t heard back for 3 weeks. I have 4 new copper sheep bells I’d like to give you for the lambs. Let me know if you’d like them and where to send them. thanks.

  15. sahmcolorado says:

    soooooo cute!!!! :happyflower:

  16. Lisa P in California says:

    What a beautiful variety of colors! They will make a nice addition to your farm…and FREE!

  17. Flatlander says:

    We can never have enough chickens….they are sooo cute.

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