The Return of the Tail


In the beginning, there was a little lamb and her tail.
And then there came a time when that tail was banded, and after that, a time when that tail mysteriously disappeared.

But that, gentle reader, that was not the end of the tale.

Somebody, yes, somebody had a secret.
That somebody had hidden that tail even while the locked porch was searched, perhaps in their blankie. And that somebody had surreptitiously taken the tail away once the porch was unlocked. And then there came a time when that somebody dug it out of the hole wherein they had buried it and brought it back.

Because you know there is nothing good that can’t be made better with a little spoilage and dirt. And that’s when it’s finally ready to show off.
To those of you reading this with your breakfast…… For posting a photo of Coco bringing me a stick instead of the other thing she bounded up to the house with recently, I say: “You’re welcome!”


  1. Pony Girl Rides Again says:

    Okay, I recently learned this about sheep. that their tales are removed. Can you explain why? A curious mind wants to know!
    Cute story, by the way! Luckily I wasn’t eating my breakfast because I have an active imagination, hee hee! :sun:

  2. maryann says:

    Oh but look at that face of Coco’s, how can you get upset with that shy face of hers??? ๐Ÿ˜†

  3. sandy says:

    Yes, thank you!

  4. Bee says:

    Ewwwwww! I hope you weren’t eating your breakfast when that sweet dog brought you her present.

  5. shirley says:

    :snoopy: Dogs!! Gotta love ’em :woof:
    I had a feeling that’s what happened. ๐Ÿ˜†

  6. CindyP says:

    Ewww….dogs think they have the greatest treasures of all mankind….and just can’t imagine why we don’t agree!! ๐Ÿ˜†

  7. Diane says:

    ewww. Dogs got to love them. Them and cats will bring you the most gross things. lol. And be very proud of themselves while they are at it. lol.

  8. Kathryn says:

    Thank you! Maybe she thought it was your mixer?

  9. Sheryl - Runningtrails says:

    lol! Dogs will be dogs! No matter how well you train them and dress them up, they will always be dogs.

    The dog we had while growing up used to bury EVERYTHING, Even pieces of bread, to enjoy later. You name it, we found it buried in the yard. If it went missing, she was usually the thief and it was usually buried in the yard. lol!

  10. The Jillybean says:

    I am thanking you from the bottom of my heart!!

  11. Sheila Z says:

    Thank you for the continuing tale of the tail. Houdini Coco and the Reappearing Tail. It’s Magnificent, it’s Wondrous, it’s GROSS!

  12. mae says:

    I was so afraid to make that last click. Thank GID it was only a stick in CoCo’s mouth@ :no: :no:

  13. wildcat says:

    I’m glad to know that Coco didn’t eat the tail, buton the other hand…..EEEEEEWWWWWWW!!! ๐Ÿ˜†

  14. Claudia W. says:

    Coco cracks me up!
    What a little (big?) sneak she is. Thank you so much for not posting the tail picture. At this point in time and after burial and digging it up, I am sure it is a “real purty sight”. Oh, my imagination just kicked in…ew.

  15. Julie says:

    Lovley puppy treasures!!! Ewww You never know what they will bring you!! I was scared yesterday when I went out to my goat pen and my giant puppy had a huge treasure!!! Ewww You can only imagine, we lost a billy over the winter and he reappeared yesterday!
    Thank you giant puppy,NOT Please keep your treasures to your self!
    Beuwolf!!! You need not share everything with me!

  16. Kate says:

    Oh wow, I was getting pretty nervous there for a second!

  17. Nancy in Atlanta says:

    Eeeooouuuu – I’m having flashbacks to Stephen King’s “Pet Sematary” (that’s how he spelled it)!!! I thank you so very much for not posting a picture of. That. Thing!!! And, yes, I’m sure Coco was very proud of her treasure. In the 2nd photo you can just see her thoughts…”I’ve got a secret!” What a smirk.
    :sheep: ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

  18. jean says:

    Thank you for shielding us from the dead, buried tail. But better buried then eaten.

  19. miss becky says:

    ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haaaaa haaa! and then, GAH!!!!

  20. Jennifer says:

    Susan, Your are living my dream!!! I hope you realize how lucky you are! I checked on map quest and you only live 1 1/2 hours away. Kind of cool. I am looking foward to trying some of your recipes thanks for posting them. I made you flower picture my screen saver at work and have had some comments on it like “thats pretty”. Just wanted you to know I enjoy your site. I found out about it on NPR. Jennifer

    P.S. I also like to knit and crochet.

  21. Gail says:

    Now see like I said before, Coco is innocent until proven guilty.
    When the tail went missing, many posters said Coco ate it and some were even saying she wouldn’t be safe around sheep…she’d eat them!
    HA! Coco is the Great Pryenees Guard Giant Puppy! She takes her job at Stringtown Rising Farm quite seriously and would never eat any of her charges. All Coco is guilty of is relocating the tail for safe keeping! I think there are posters out there that owe Coco an apology. (Who knows, perhaps Dookie moved the tail, and Coco searched and found it to bring back to it’s owner?)

  22. Amy Buchanan says:

    Oh my goodness — too funny!!!!

  23. monica says:

    ๐Ÿ˜• No more kisses from the dog: EVER! They lick their own butt. MMMMMMMMMMmm!
    A docked sheep tail is a treasure to beheld to a dog. :shocked:

  24. Linda says:

    Glad the mystery of the tail has been solved. Sorry you had to endure Coco bringing it to you. Farm life is wonderful.LOL

  25. Ken Mueller says:

    Thank you my dear. I hesitated a long time before clicking on this entry.

  26. catslady says:

    We are all very happy Coco didn’t eat the tail ๐Ÿ˜†

  27. Lori says:

    I was scrolling through this post VERY SLOWLY. So thank you. LOL

  28. Ellen says:

    I KNEW that was going to resurface again at some point : ) Dogs are NASTY! : ) (I have one, I know)


  29. Miss Grace says:

    Oh wow bejesups. I would….I don’t know what I would do. Thank you for the kindness in not including a picture! :sheep:

  30. Bonnie says:

    Well, as others already said, THANK GAWD AT LEAST SHE DIDN’T EAT IT!!! :yes:

    When I was a kid we had a dog named Brandy who killed a muskrat in our back pasture, and that thing got buried & dug up again several times before my father finally got ahold of it and put it in the trash. I still have nightmares about that zombie muskrat …

  31. Dawn says:

    Coco just looks ornery!

  32. sandyz says:

    Well wow, glad I wasn’t eating but I LOVE these photos.

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